Games / Re: Star Trek Alphabet
« on: August 28, 2024, 07:38:51 pm »
Why not bring this back...
D - Denobulan
D - Denobulan
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Games / Re: Star Trek Alphabet« on: August 28, 2024, 07:38:51 pm »
Why not bring this back...
D - Denobulan 2
Autumn 2024 / #EE12H Autumn 2024 Quotes« on: August 28, 2024, 07:36:40 pm »
Did someone say something funny? Did someone say something embarrassing that needs recording?
This thread should auto update with quotes as they are added to the 12 Hour Event system. If you have a quote to submit please do so here - https://earthelite.co.uk/12h 3
Autumn 2024 / #EE12H Autumn 2024« on: August 28, 2024, 07:35:38 pm »
It's almost time for the second Earth's Elite 12 Hour Event.
The Autumn 12 hour event will be on Friday 23rd November starting at 12:00 GMT, as usual the event will be streamed live on our various partner channels. You can watch the stream from the 12 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team, this resource is available to both members and guests to our website - https://earthelite.co.uk/12h As usual we will be trying to raise the remaining amount of our annual running costs with this stream. We require £134.39 a year to operate, as the November event is part one of our two part campaign to raise this money, we start this campaign at £0.00. To account for fees we will be aiming for £150 from this stream to cover our annual running costs. Cost Breakdown... Domain: £14.39/yr (Billed Bi-Annually) Enterprise: £48/yr Bowie: £48/yr Voyager: £24/yr With every donation of £5 or more you send you can submit an order to a member of our team. The partner (AKA streamer, host, etc) you decide to choose for your order has the option to forfeit the order, one of two things at this point will occur, another partner can rescue them and carry out the order or they have to ask the other partners to come up with an alternative order for them to carry out before the end of the stream. If an order is inappropriate, illegal, etc then it will not be counted but you will still be charged ![]() Milestones this year are completely optional for our partners and they are free to decide whether they do milestones and what they will be basing their milestones on, such as length of time streamed or amount of money raised. Activities for each donation this year will primarily be from donation orders, which you the viewer are able to dictate, we feel this will give you more control and interaction with the stream rather than us deciding what challenge or activity we do for donations. As always the event schedule can be found on the 12 hour events dashboard - https://earthelite.co.uk/12h/schedule.php or if you prefer the older layout in the info centre here - https://earthelite.co.uk/info/article?id=00063 4
April 2024 / #EE12H Spring 2024 Quotes« on: April 08, 2024, 05:52:39 pm »
Did someone say something funny? Did someone say something embarrassing that needs recording?
This thread should auto update with quotes as they are added to the 12 Hour Event system. If you have a quote to submit please do so here - https://earthelite.co.uk/12h 5
April 2024 / #EE12H April 2024« on: February 26, 2024, 01:15:11 am »It's almost time for the first Earth's Elite 12 Hour Event. These events will be similar to the old 24 hour events, but will be 12 hours shorter The spring 12 hour event will be on Friday 12th April starting at 13:30 BST, as usual the event will be streamed live on our various partner channels. You can watch the stream from the 12 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team, this resource is available to both members and guests to our website - https://earthelite.co.uk/12h (still being created) As usual we will be trying to raise the remaining amount of our annual running costs with this stream. We require £134.39 a year to operate, back in November we managed to raise £57.78 of this total after fees. To account for fees we will be aiming for £80 from this stream to cover the remaining amount of our annual running costs. Cost Breakdown... Domain: £14.39/yr (Billed Bi-Annually) Enterprise: £48/yr Bowie: £48/yr Voyager: £24/yr With every donation of £5 or more you send you can submit an order to a member of our team. The partner (AKA streamer, host, etc) you decide to choose for your order has the option to forfeit the order, one of two things at this point will occur, another partner can rescue them and carry out the order or they have to ask the other partners to come up with an alternative order for them to carry out before the end of the stream. If an order is inappropriate, illegal, etc then it will not be counted but you will still be charged ![]() Milestones this year are completely optional for our partners and they are free to decide whether they do milestones and what they will be basing their milestones on, such as length of time streamed or amount of money raised. Activities for each donation this year will primarily be from donation orders, which you the viewer are able to dictate, we feel this will give you more control and interaction with the stream rather than us deciding what challenge or activity we do for donations. As always the event schedule can be found on the 12 hour events dashboard - https://earthelite.co.uk/12h/schedule.php or if you prefer the older layout in the info centre here - https://earthelite.co.uk/info/article?id=00062 6
Autumn 2023 / #EE24H Autumn 2023 Quotes« on: November 25, 2023, 12:36:14 am »
Did someone say something funny? Did someone say something embarrassing that needs recording?
As of April 2021 this thread should auto update with quotes as they are added to the 24 Hour Event system. If you have a quote to submit please do so here - https://earthelite.co.uk/24h 7
Autumn 2023 / #EE24H Autumn 2023« on: May 31, 2023, 11:39:59 am »
It's almost that time of year again, Earth's Elite's 9th annual Autumn 24 hour event.
The Earth's Elite Senior team voted in May of this year to end the 24 hour events after the final one this year, therefore this event will be the final regularly scheduled 24 hour event to occur within EE, so lets go out with a bang! This years event will be starting at 7PM GMT on Friday TBC November and will end on Saturday TBC at 7PM GMT, as usual the event will be streamed live on our various partner channels. You can watch the stream from the 24 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team, this resource is available to both members and guests to our website - https://earthelite.co.uk/24h With the release of the 2.3 website you can now also customise your viewing experience if you wish to only watch select partners by going to our multi view page - https://earthelite.co.uk/multi As usual we will be trying to raise our annual running costs with this stream. We require £235.19 a year to operate, as this is the first 24 hour event we are holding for the 2024 financial period our goal will be set to the full amount required. Cost Breakdown... Domain: £14.39/yr (Billed Bi-Annually) Enterprise: £48/yr Bowie: £48/yr Voyager: £24/yr Discovery: £64.80/yr Intrepid: £36/yr With every donation of £5 or more you send you can submit an order to a member of our team. The partner (AKA streamer, host, etc) you decide to choose for your order has the option to forfeit the order, one of two things at this point will occur, another partner can rescue them and carry out the order or they have to ask the other partners to come up with an alternative order for them to carry out before the end of the stream. If an order is inappropriate, illegal, etc then it will not be counted but you will still be charged ![]() Milestones this year are completely optional for our partners and they are free to decide whether they do milestones and what they will be basing their milestones on, such as length of time streamed or amount of money raised. Activities for each donation this year will primarily be from donation orders, which you the viewer are able to dictate, we feel this will give you more control and interaction with the stream rather than us deciding what challenge or activity we do for donations. As always the event schedule can be found on the 24 hour events dashboard - https://earthelite.co.uk/24h/schedule.php or if you prefer the older layout in the info centre here - https://earthelite.co.uk/info/article?id=00061 9
April 2023 / #EE24H Spring 2023 Quotes« on: March 17, 2023, 06:28:12 pm »
Did someone say something funny? Did someone say something embarrassing that needs recording?
As of April 2021 this thread should auto update with quotes as they are added to the 24 Hour Event system. If you have a quote to submit please do so here - https://earthelite.co.uk/24h 10
April 2023 / #EE24H April 2023« on: March 17, 2023, 06:27:14 pm »
It's almost that time of year again, Earth's Elite's 9th annual Spring 24 hour event.
The spring 24 hour event will be on Friday 14th April starting at 7PM BST, as usual the event will be streamed live on our various partner channels. You can watch the stream from the 24 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team, this resource is available to both members and guests to our website - https://earthelite.co.uk/24h As usual we will be trying to raise the remaining amount of our annual running costs with this stream. We require £235.19 a year to operate, back in November we managed to raise £15 of this total after fees. To account for fees we will be aiming for £230 from this stream to cover the remaining amount of our annual running costs. Cost Breakdown... Domain: £14.39/yr (Billed Bi-Annually) Enterprise: £48/yr Bowie: £48/yr Voyager: £24/yr Discovery: £64.80/yr Intrepid: £36/yr With every donation of £5 or more you send you can submit an order to a member of our team. The partner (AKA streamer, host, etc) you decide to choose for your order has the option to forfeit the order, one of two things at this point will occur, another partner can rescue them and carry out the order or they have to ask the other partners to come up with an alternative order for them to carry out before the end of the stream. If an order is inappropriate, illegal, etc then it will not be counted but you will still be charged ![]() Milestones this year are completely optional for our partners and they are free to decide whether they do milestones and what they will be basing their milestones on, such as length of time streamed or amount of money raised. Activities for each donation this year will primarily be from donation orders, which you the viewer are able to dictate, we feel this will give you more control and interaction with the stream rather than us deciding what challenge or activity we do for donations. As always the event schedule can be found on the 24 hour events dashboard - https://earthelite.co.uk/24h/schedule.php or if you prefer the older layout in the info centre here - https://earthelite.co.uk/info_content.php?id=00060 11
Streamer Announcements / 2023 Channel Update« on: January 31, 2023, 12:06:50 pm »
This update comes a bit late, it being the last day of January, but I wanted to post something here to update everyone on the current state and plans for my channel.
Last year I restarted the Stream-a-Day challenge, the end goal was for 1461 days straight which would have taken us up to the 10 year mark since starting the original challenge. Early on last year I got a new job working more hours and more unpredictable hours, while this has since again changed, my decision to end the challenge after one year remains the same. So the stream-a-day challenge has now ended after one year of streaming, I have also for the most part retired from streaming almost completely. I still plan to do the odd stream, this year it will most likely just be the official Earth's Elite events that I will stream/host with everyone else, such as the 24 hour streams. I would like to thank everyone for their support over the years of streaming. You never know what the future may hold and I may be back again with somewhat regular streams sometime in the future, just not for the foreseeable. 12
Autumn 2022 / #EE24H Autumn 2022 Quotes« on: November 18, 2022, 06:52:54 pm »
Did someone say something funny? Did someone say something embarrassing that needs recording?
As of April 2021 this thread should auto update with quotes as they are added to the 24 Hour Event system. If you have a quote to submit please do so here - https://earthelite.co.uk/24h 13
Autumn 2022 / #EE24H Autumn 2022« on: October 30, 2022, 09:11:00 pm »
It's almost that time of year again, Earth's Elite's 8th annual Autumn 24 hour event.
This year we will be returning to the old structure and will not be witholding events based on donation percentages and the target will once again be to stream as a team for the full 24 hours. This years event will be starting at 7PM GMT on Friday 18th November and will end on Saturday 19th at 7PM GMT, as usual the event will be streamed live on our various partner channels. You can watch the stream from the 24 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team, this resource is available to both members and guests to our website - https://earthelite.co.uk/24h With the release of the 2.3 website you can now also customise your viewing experience if you wish to only watch select partners by going to our multi view page - https://earthelite.co.uk/multi As usual we will be trying to raise our annual running costs with this stream. We require £235.19 a year to operate, as this is the first 24 hour event we are holding for the 2023 financial period our goal will be set to the full amount required. Cost Breakdown... Domain: £14.39/yr (Billed Bi-Annually) Enterprise: £48/yr Bowie: £48/yr Voyager: £24/yr Discovery: £64.80/yr Intrepid: £36/yr With every donation of £5 or more you send you can submit an order to a member of our team. The partner (AKA streamer, host, etc) you decide to choose for your order has the option to forfeit the order, one of two things at this point will occur, another partner can rescue them and carry out the order or they have to ask the other partners to come up with an alternative order for them to carry out before the end of the stream. If an order is inappropriate, illegal, etc then it will not be counted but you will still be charged ![]() Milestones this year are completely optional for our partners and they are free to decide whether they do milestones and what they will be basing their milestones on, such as length of time streamed or amount of money raised. Activities for each donation this year will primarily be from donation orders, which you the viewer are able to dictate, we feel this will give you more control and interaction with the stream rather than us deciding what challenge or activity we do for donations. As always the event schedule can be found on the 24 hour events dashboard - https://earthelite.co.uk/24h/schedule.php or if you prefer the older layout in the info centre here - https://earthelite.co.uk/info/article?id=00058 14
Community Announcements / Website Update To 2.3« on: September 26, 2022, 12:06:22 am »
The long awaited 2.3 update for EE has now arrived.
While there aren't many visual changes to the website a lot has changed under the hood. For the next few months we will be running on new and legacy features. The majority of EE has been moved over to the new 2.3.X system, but you may notice a few things revert back to the 2.2.X version, this is mainly member settings and staff pages, these will slowly be migrated over. As always if you spot any issues with the new version of the website or any new-legacy features not communicating or causing issues then let us know. For the full details on the update please view the EE ChangeLog - https://earthelite.co.uk/changelog#23 |