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Welcome To Earth's Elite.  We Hope You Enjoy Your Stay.

April 2024 12 Hour Event


{EE} Callum Jackson

On 12th April 2024 @ 13:30 BST, Earth's Elite will host it's 'Spring 2024 12 Hour Event'.  The Spring 12 hour event is a large scale event focused on bringing all the team members together to have some fun with all our viewers and our own respective channel teams.  Our 12 hour events also provide us a chance to help promote our team and raise some or all of our annual running costs.

Below is the schedule we will attempt to follow during the 12 Hour event, please note, this schedule will be locked down March 22nd 2024 @ 23:59.

Time Slot Event Team Members Confirmed Attending Team Members Hosting
13:15 - 13:30

Stream Start

Pre-Stream Checks

Stream/Event Intro

Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
13:30 - 14:30 Holomatch Variety / Pinball Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
14:30 - 15:30 Ace of Spades Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
15:30 - 17:30 Minecraft 12 Hour World Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
17:30 - 17:45 --15 Minute Break-- - -
17:45 - 19:00 Stick Fight: The Game* Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
19:00 - 20:00 Monopoly Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
20:00 - 22:00 Minecraft Mini CTM Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
22:00 - 22:15 --15 Minute Break-- - -
22:15 - 23:00 Ultimate Chicken Horse* Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
23:00 - 00:00 Golf With Your Friends Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
00:00 - 01:00 Totally Reliable Delivery Service Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson
01:00 - 01:30 Jackbox Party Variety* Callum603 / Shoot0028 / C. Jackson

* Steam Remote Play Together, you do not need to own this game

** Free Game

*** VR Compatible

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