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Author Topic: 2016 Donation Drive  (Read 31623 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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    • Earth's Elite's
2016 Donation Drive
« on: February 14, 2016, 12:24:07 am »

The April 24 Hour Event here at EE always accompanies the closing of the year long donations.

EE doesn't have much in way of 'prizes' to offer those who donate, we're a non-profit community, this means even if we did take more than we needed for this year, we'd just roll it over to next years balance.

But, for those who do donate, we can offer a few perks.

This year though, I'm introducing some new 'perks?'.

These will be things I or the EE senior staff will do for certain donation milestones.

The milestones are this:
25% (£8.80)
50% (£17.64)
75% (£26.45)
100% (£35.27)

As we hit each milestone, the EE senior staff (those participating anyways), will perform or carry out whatever they have said they'll do for that milestone.  If we hit 100%, you'll see all four.  Please note, you don't have to donate £35.27 as an individual in one go to hit the 100% milestone (or any milestone), the milestones will be the full amount of all donations tallied together, so it could be 35.27 people (not sure how you'd get .27 of a person...) donating £1.00 each to reach the 100% milestone.

I will of course be participating, still not sure what I'll be doing for each milestone, so if you have any suggestions, please do post them below (Something not desirable, but nothing too bad or too embarrassing...if you actually want me or the others to do it).

I hope Scott & Khta will also be willing to participate.

Note, if these milestones aren't hit by the end of the 24 Hour event, the officers are not obligated to carry out the milestones.

On top of this, the normal donation perks will be available.
Donator Channel On TS
EE Donators E-Mail Address
No Ads for 1 Calendar Year

£10.00 - £14.00:
Donators Pass to any EE Server

Become Earth's Elite Partner (See,170.0.html for partner info).

Lastly, with any EE 24 Hour event, the extra perk of being able to give your superiors an order on donations over £5.00, will of course apply.

The EE 24 Hour event is on the 1st April 2016 starting at 7PM Community Time (British Summer Time, UTC +1 Hour).

If we hit any of the milestones before the 24 hour event, it will be up to the attending participating officers to decide whether they carry out their milestone 'celebration?'.

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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