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Los Santos Life - Laws


{EE} Callum Jackson

Laws of the land

These laws govern the Los Santos lands on all EE servers.
  1. Residential speed limit is 30MPH (50KPH)
  2. City/Town speed limit is 50MPH (80KPH)
  3. Freeway speed limit is 75MPH (120KPH)
  4. All drivers will be suitably licensed for the vehicle they are in control of.
  5. Legal Age for a person in the State of San Andreas to possess, purchase, and/or consume alcoholic beverages is 21. Anyone person underage found in possession or consuming alcohol products will have their alcohol products confiscated and destroyed by Law Enforcement, and given a fine.
  6. Legal Age for a person in the State of San Andreas to possess, purchase and/or consume tobacco is 18. Anyone person underage found in possession or consuming tobacco products will have their tobacco products confiscated and destroyed by Law Enforcement, and given a fine.
  7. A red light indicates you are to stop, unless you are turning right and not otherwised sign posted, if turning right on red, vehicle must come to complete stop before executing turn.
  8. Citizens must comply with all lawful orders given to them by a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer).
    1. Lawful Orders could include:
      1. Order to stop your vehicle (Probable Cause And/Or Reasonable Articulable Suspicion Required) 
      2. Order to remove masks within city limits (You may ask to ensure they have reasonable articulable suspicion and/or probable cause)
      3. Random stop and search (Probable cause required)
      4. Asking Identification from a civilian (Reasonable Suspicion required and this reason must be explained to the civilian in question)
      5. Exigent Circumstances
  9. Failure to provide Identification to a Law Enforcement Officer when LEO provides sufficient reason is provided will result in indefinite detention of the subject until they provide their identification.
  10. Failure to sign a citation given by a Law Enforcement Officer is a misdemeanor which will carry a custodial sentence.
  11. Citizens without a felony conviction in their record is allowed to own a firearm, but must have a firearms license for the firearm(s) they are carrying.
  12. Citizens convicted of a felony crime in their record are not allowed to carry or possess firearms unless the citizen has requested their firearms rights to be restored by the order of the state Governor or the Attorney General of the state.
  13. Robbery is a felony offence, and will always hold a custodial sentence.
  14. Murder is a felony offence, and must always hold a custodial sentence, unless self defence that can be corroborated by witnesses (or CCTV, external sources such as a stream may be permitted here, officers discretion)
  15. All weapons must be concealed while in city limits unless you have a carry permit to visibly carry a weapon, but the weapon must remain in holster unless there is an emergency requiring a person to withdraw their firearm in defense of themselves or the public.
  16. Vehicles parked in inappropriate places will be impounded at a cost to you.
  17. A Citizen has the right to ask an LEO to call their Supervisor to the scene if one is available above the rank of the Officer in command of the scene.
  18. A Citizen has the right to ask any and all LEOs to provide their name and badge number(s) on scene if there is a reason provided, and the LEO(s) are required to give their badge numbers.
  19. It is prohibited for a citizen to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol, controlled substance(s), or medication that affects driving ability. The legal limit for blood alcohol content is 0.07%. Aggravated DUI will be charged if the suspect is found to be twice over the legal limit for the blood alcohol content level, which is 0.14% 
  20. Driving Under the Influence will result in the driver being detained on scene and held at the scene and a second test must be conducted before taking the subject in custody and taking the subject to get blood drawn from them at the hospital for evidence or getting an evidential breath test at the police station. After conducting the tests and taking evidence, the suspect may be released depending on the level of intoxication if the officer(s) deem the suspect is able to take care of themselves. A courtesy ride may be offered by the officer if they wish to do so.
  21. Being charged with DUI will result in a temporary suspension of drivers license of the suspect. Aggravated DUI is a misdemeanor and can result in a custodial sentence.
  22. Motor Vehicle Collision caused by a driver under the influence of alcohol, controlled substance(s) or any medication affecting driving ability will be charged with driving under the influence even if the blood alcohol content is below the legal limit, and other charges related to the case. 
  23. Law Enforcement Officers must have a search warrant to enter a residence of suspect that has been ordered by the court in San Andreas. Search warrants are executed in a manner of "Knock-and-announce" when entering the residence, meaning, Law Enforcement must announce their presence and agency, for example, "Los Santos Police Department/LSPD (Or Another Agency), search warrant" If this is forgotten or not announced, evidence retrieved in the residence will be considered inadmissible in a court of law. If search warrant is concluded and no one was in the residence at the time of the search warrant, Law Enforcement must notify the residence owner/tenant that there has been a search warrant executed in the residence.
  24. Law Enforcement Officers are not allowed to enter a residence of a subject being questioned without the residence owner's/tenant's permission, and this permission is subject to withdrawal by the residence owner/tenant at any point in time unless something incriminating is discovered before withdrawal of permission, unless Law Enforcement has exigent circumstances to enter the residence, but it must be a situation where people are in imminent danger, evidence faces imminent destruction, or a suspect's escape is imminent. Once entry is obtained, the plain view doctrine applies, allowing the seizure of any evidence or contraband discovered in the course of actions consequent upon the exigent circumstances.

General Rules

  1. Citizens will comply with server administrator/moderator requests (Unless unreasonable, in this situation you should contact a member of the senior staff or another administrator)
  2. No VDM or RDM (Vehicle Death Match or Random Death Match)
  3. If an LEO pulls someone over for a witnessed violation, (for ex. running a red light), and the civilian pulled over notifies the officer by stating them "22", "10-22", "disregard", or like saying "not in my eyes", or something along the lines, the traffic stop must be cancelled at once even if the officer has run information must be disregarded as that officer would not have the knowledge of vehicle or the person in question.
  4. You cannot immediately shoot, this will be considered RDM, both sides must know whats going on and the situation role-played
  5. Abusive language will not be tolerated at any times
  6. Uses of an exploit is strictly prohibited as is cheating and/or hacking
  7. Do not break RP unless there is a good reason to do so, if you must then use // in chat or if using VoIP preface your message with 'Out of Character'/'OOC'/'Out of RP' or anything that will signal what you are saying is not part of the role-play
  8. Use of a microphone is not required, however, you must be able to hear the in-game VoIP at all times
  9. Mic spam is to be avoided at all times, PTT (Push to Talk) should be used
  10. LEO's are required to be on TS at all times while on duty
  11. EMS are required to be on TS at all times while on duty
  12. EMS and their vehicles are not to be killed or stolen, EMS must not enter an active crime zone

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