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Affiliate Links


{EE} Callum Jackson

This information article covers everything you might need to know regarding the Earth's Elite advertisement banners and all affiliate links.


The banners you see at the top of every page on the Earth's Elite website are banners for companies that Earth's Elite is affiliated with.  We neither control nor have any influence over the content these companies have on their sites, we simply promote their company.

Upon clicking one of the banners, a piece of data is stored on your computer, this is called a Cookie (See Our Cookie Policy Here).  The other companies site is able to detect this, those cookies usually expire after a few days, but they tell the other site who sent you, if you then make a purchase etc on their site, we get credited for it.

Earth's Elite receives payments only when you make a purchase after clicking one of the banners, this will not change the price you pay etc.

This articles purpose is to point out that the Earth's Elite banner advertisements are affiliate banners, and so contain an affiliate/referral link.

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