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Topics - {EE} Callum Jackson

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Public archive / Division Changes
« on: May 01, 2014, 02:51:38 pm »
Attention all members.

Due to Earth's Elite's Project #5 (Name To Be Revealed Soon) this division will be changing.

Please stay tuned for more information that will be posted later this evening, either by myself or your division director.

Those involved with project #5, I am planning to begin 'Sea' trials of the new server this weekend.

Earth's Elite Chief Executive Officer's Office / SFX
« on: April 28, 2014, 06:29:18 pm »
Please vote on the above poll.

This poll will close in 5 days at this time.


Earth's Elite Chief Executive Officer's Office / Tutorials
« on: April 01, 2014, 06:07:39 pm »
I've just setup a Youtube account for Earth's Elite.  On there we will publish video tutorials on how to do certain tasks, either admin related, or game related.

If you have a tutorial you want publishing or want to create one, contact me so I can give you your tutorial number.

I will be uploading two tutorials over the next week or so.

Tutorial #1 - Signing the Roll Call
Tutorial #2 - Adding an Event

Earth's Elite Chief Executive Officer's Office / 2.0 Development Logs
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:22:13 pm »
Okay, feel free to mark this as read as soon as I post something on here, this isn't really important, just something you guys can look at to see whats going on with the update, if you so wish.

Earth's Elite 2.0 - Development Begins
Proposed Changes
Site URLs changed
Back End Code Tidied Up
Back End Organisation Tidied Up
Hotfixes Applied Permanently
Member Login On Main Page - Linked with forums (Single Sign On)
Member Information Listed on Main page
New and Improved Roll Call, you'll only have to click twice to sign it, once to open the page and again for the submit button
Member Management System (Dubbed Command Module)
Academic Information Stored On Database
Applications Process Simplified, you'll know if you're eligible for the position or not straight away.
Deprecated Code Updated
Integrated Events Calendar, with email notifications
And More

What's currently being done??
Currently I am updating our deprecated code.  [04/03/2014 @ 19:11]

Just thought I would quickly let everyone know, I stream STO on every Monday Evening at 11PM GMT, Tuesday 2PM GMT, & Friday 11PM GMT.

Well, that will be my schedule after this week.  I will be live tonight at 11PM GMT.

I'm playing though the Romulan Section right now.

Why not Join Centurion Rivlak & the Crew of the USS D'Relix-A on their missions.

Director's Office / Division Plans
« on: December 25, 2013, 12:31:00 am »
I have a few ideas for the RP Division, I will be revealing them over the course of the next few weeks.

If you have an idea for the division please either email me or reply to this thread.

Remember, the assistant administrator position is open to all full members, drop me an email if you are interested.

As I mentioned to the senior staff, after recovering from a damn annoying computer crash I have lost the majority of the files I had prepared for this, however, this won't stop us.  When we have enough members we will start filming, I will be keeping the plan secret until filming actually starts, our teaser opening sequence/launch can be seen here  A promo will be released soon, hopefully.  I'm about to start work on it. I'm hoping it will hint to the ending, without giving anything away.....if that's possible.

This will be a rolling fleet event, meaning the event may span multiple weeks/months when recording has begun, it also means it's for the entire fleet to participate in, you don't have to be a member of the role-play department, or even be able to act (god knows I can't), just adds to the fun and should make a pretty good gag reel.  You can also help out behind the scenes, filming, editing, special effects, etc.

This will be nothing like a normal RP.  An RP starts and we continue until the end, if we make mistakes we make mistakes, plus they're not really mistakes as we're playing a character live and everyone makes mistakes, I'm sure starfleet officers have randomly started having a conversation in the middle of a battle......maybe not.  Anyway, we will be acting as though we are really on a filming set, the server will this virtual set and our characters, well, us.  We will have a director (me) etc and we will record it scene by scene just like a film or episode would really be recorded, it will all then be editted together and we'll have a premiere night where we'll all watch the finished product through, live, together.  Hopefully everyone involved will be able to participate in the premiere, it will be held on TS at some point once done.

I will be posting updates about this here as they come in.  You can email me on if you wish to participate, at the moment we're just collecting names on who is interested, there is no confirmed start date for this, but I doubt it will be this year now, most likely early 2014.

I will be playing the USS Impenetrable's Commanding Officer (promoted from Executive Officer during episode) - Captain James Roberts.  I will also be acting as the director.

Positions that we really need are (IC):

And OOC:
Executive Director
Editting team
Special Effects team
Camera Team

Earth's Elite Chief Executive Officer's Office / Merging
« on: October 14, 2013, 06:33:44 pm »

Earth's Elite and Star Trek Realms of Time will be merging.  Realms of Time is a creative writing fleet, so they'll be joining our creative writing division, Echo Fleet.

You needn't worry that any of your positions will be changing, they won't be.  Everyone within Earth's Elite will be staying the same.

Realms of Time will be a sub division of Echo Fleet, called the Realm Watchers.  Her fleet CO, Vice Admiral Locker (our fleet XO) will be the Fleet Captain of the sub division, just with the rank of Vice Admiral not Fleet Captain.  Though the Realm Watchers is Locker's to do with as he wishes, as it is under the Earth's Elite Banner I will be the fleet CO, just Admiral Locker will get more of a say in what happens with the Realm Watchers than he would for Echo Fleet.

I think I'll hand over to Vice Admiral Locker to explain more about the Realms of Time.

Earth's Elite Chief Executive Officer's Office / READ ALERT
« on: September 28, 2013, 10:40:19 pm »

This is an emergency broadcast message from the fleet CO, Admiral Jackson.

In compliance to Echo Fleet's General Order three, I hereby recruit each and everyone of you to undergo an emergency mission.

This mission is dangerous, some of you might not make it back, but it is imperative that this mission be a success.

The mission is to recruit for Earth's Elite, our member count is painfully low.

As it presently stands I can't afford to pay for an FB ad or the likes, so I need your help.  I'm not asking you to pay, if you do however, thank you.  We need members as I'm sure you all already know, please do what you can to recruit for the fleet, if you need any resources, posters etc etc I can email copies of things like that to you.  If you know of friends who like ST, gaming etc etc refer them to us, get involved in chatroom discussions, try your best to get our name out there and get new members coming to

If you're ever on ANY of OUR servers and someone you don't know comes online, get talking to them, don't be afraid, they're on your fleets server.  Try to persuade them to join.

I will be opening up a new emergency donations thread for advertising, any and all donations will be greatly appreciated.  You can donate as little or as much as you like.

If you have any questions or need any help with this perilous mission please email me on callumjackson[at]earthelite[dot]co[dot]uk (in the correct format of course).

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