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Topics - {EE} Callum Jackson

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Streamer Announcements / Stream-a-day 2022 - UPDATE January 2022
« on: January 24, 2022, 12:25:30 am »
As I said earlier this year, I will be taking the stream-a-day challenge month by month for a while to see how I'm getting on, with only 1 week left of January I am going to provide my first update.

Firstly, I WILL be continuing the stream-a-day into and throughout February, I will update towards the end of next month on whether I intend to continue until at least the April 24 hour event.

Secondly, while average channel stats are relatively low currently I still feel energised about continuing the stream-a-day and as regular viewers may know I have even invested in upgrading some of my equipment, last week I upgraded my mixer to a GoXLR and I have just purchased a green screen for use when doing anything that requires or I want my camera on for.

This month we managed to do 1 watch party, which from watching on Twitch was great, the jury is still out on how well that will work as an archived VOD on YouTube, as far as variety goes, that's the most we've done so far other than games, hopefully February will change that with some IRL streams and more watch parties.

A plan has been put in place for watching Star Trek: Picard as a watch party each week once that releases March 3rd, so keep an eye out for those streams coming up.

Any suggestions for more variety or games to play on stream, then please do let me know below or in chat during a stream!

Streamer Announcements / Channel Update 2022
« on: January 01, 2022, 04:48:54 am »
Throughout 2020 and 2021 I wasn't that active on my Twitch channel, but I am wanting to change that this coming year.

I am going to try and bring back the stream a day challenge I started in 2016 and completed in 2018 with 1002 days consecutively.

This challenge will have slightly more relaxed rules and wont' require a stream every 24 hours of at least 1 hour, but will allow me to be a little more flexible and work the streams around work a bit more, so I could do a stream for say a Monday at 2AM on a Tuesday after work, so long as I also stream on the Tuesday for that days stream.
I will also be able to do a stream with a set goal or purpose and if that's completed before 1 hour, then I can end if I want to and it'll count as a stream for the challenge.

Along with the relaxed rules I also want to try and add more variety to my streams to help stop myself becoming burnt out like I was at the end of the 1000 days challenge, to start with this will be in the form of my playing around with the Twitch feature that allows me to host a watch party for various videos on Amazon Prime Video, live hosting of podcasts, and gaming streams.  In the future I'd like to find more topics/projects I can do to branch out the variety of my streams, for example I have wanted to learn how to develop games for quite a while, so that could be a potential project I do on stream and document my learning process.

Just like the 2016 - 2018 challenge, I will try to ensure every stream is archived over on my YouTube channel.

My end goal is to try and keep going until the 10 year anniversary of starting the original stream a day challenge, January 1st 2026, but to start with I'll be taking it month by month and see where I end up.  If I'm completely honest, the chance of me hitting the 2026 goal is very low, but it's worth a shot.

So I look forward to seeing you in chat or in game in the coming streams!

Autumn 2021 / #EE24H Autumn 2021 Quotes
« on: November 18, 2021, 12:44:47 am »
Did someone say something funny? Did someone say something embarrassing that needs recording?

As of April 2021 this thread should auto update with quotes as they are added to the 24 Hour Event system.  If you have a quote to submit please do so here -

Autumn 2021 / #EE24H Autumn 2021
« on: November 18, 2021, 12:42:56 am »
It's almost that time of year again, EE's 7th annual Autumn 24 hour event.

This event will be starting at the usual time of 7PM Community Time on Friday the 19th of November 2021.  The event as usual will be streamed live.  You can watch the stream from the 24 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team (great for during the split team events and race to complete) -

Once again this years Autumn variant of the #EE24H will be the 'Stream Until We Dream', meaning only the first 12 hours of the event are guaranteed at this point.
The guaranteed time or donation time can be extended by anyone by simply donating towards the EE Autumn donation goal (see below for details), unlike last years SUWD event we have changed up the way donation time is added on.
Our team members (Scott, Martin, Butterzz, & Myself) will be able to choose whether we are participating in the SUWD which will change how the event works for us, for everyone else and any team members not partaking in the SUWD portion of the event, then they will be participating in the #EE24H as usual (more on this below).

Donation time can be accrued by hitting the EE milestones for the Autumn donation goal - £175
25% milestone (£43.75) will add 3 hours to the donation time and unlock that portion of the event schedule
50% milestone (£87.50) will add another 3 hours to the donation time bringing it up to 6 hours in total and unlock the next section of the event schedule
75% milestone (£131.25) will again add another 3 hours bringing the total to 9 hours and unlocking the penultimate section of the schedule
100% milestone (£175) will add the last 3 hours and unlock the full event schedule taking the SUWD duration to 24 hours.

Team members participating in the SUWD will not be carrying out milestone challenges/tasks but instead will be following the SUWD milestones.  All team members will be participating in donation challenges/tasks in a new way.
Team members not participating in the SUWD but instead participating in the more casual #EE24H will be asked to create milestones as per the usual event format.

For each donation we receive we will spin the donation wheel, this will decide who will do a challenge/task and what they will be doing, this will be done during the next donation spotlight portion of the event (currently planned for after each break).

Once again, the orders with each donation will NOT be returning for the SUWD or #EE24H Autumn event this year.

The full event schedule can be found here -

Team members will be posting below which of the variants they will be aiming to participate in and any relevenat information like donation spins and milestones below.

Any questions or suggestions, as always please post below.

Streamer Announcements / October 2021 Update
« on: October 12, 2021, 12:21:58 am »
I've been a bit inactive on my channel lately, but as we head towards the end of the year I'm hoping to get a few streams going.

There will be a few streams for some EE events coming up, of course there will be the November #EE24H event on November 19th and of course there will be the end of year drunk stream on December 30th (It's actually going to be on the correct date this year!!!).
Along with the above two, this month we will see the return of the annual Halloween fright night on Friday 29th, before that however Myself and Scott from Archer Gaming are planning to bring you a few streams on Sunday's 17th & 24th, times to be confirmed and a special stream on Sunday 31st  ;)

Along with the collabs and events I'm hoping to start bringing some more regular streams into the mix as well and looking at hopefully returning to some sort of regular streaming schedule by the start of next year.

Any stream ideas or events ideas for the team, as always, let us know!

Community Events / Summer Solstice 2021
« on: June 19, 2021, 04:00:14 am »
It's that time of year again, the Summer Solstice event for 2021 will be on Monday 21st June 2021 starting at 9PM.

For full event details please view the event details here -

April 2021 / #EE24H April 2021
« on: April 06, 2021, 05:23:26 am »
It's almost that time of year again, Earth's Elite's 7th annual Spring 24 hour event.

As usual, the event will start at 7PM BST on Friday 9th April and end 7PM BST the next day, the event will be streamed live on our various channels.  You can watch the stream from the 24 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team, as of November 2020, this resource has been made available to guests and is no longer restricted to members -

This event is the original "Earth's Elite 24 Hour Event" therefore we will be aiming for a full 24 hours unlike the new format for the November version of this event.

As usual we will be trying to raise the remaining amount of our annual running costs with this stream.  We require £132 a year to operate, back in November we managed to raise £70.50 of this total after fees.  To account for fees we will be aiming for £75 from this stream to cover the remaining amount of our annual running costs.

With every donation of £5 or more you send you can submit an order (that's right, orders are BACK!). The partner (AKA streamer, host, etc) you decide to choose for your order has the option to forfeit the order, one of two things at this point will occur, another partner can rescue them and carry out the order or they have to ask the other partners to come up with an alternative order for them to carry out before the end of the stream.  If an order is inappropriate, illegal, etc then it will not be counted but you will still be charged :P

Milestones are of course still a thing this year, but with a couple of changes.  We will be bringing back all 4 milestones 25% (£18.75), 50% (£37.50), 75% (£56.25), and 100% (£75).  Participating partners can choose between 2 and all 4 of these milestones to set but they must include at least 25% or 50%.  This year, milestones will be acting differently, in previous years (including the years where milestones were wheel spins) a milestone was something we would do once we hit that percentage, this year however, milestones will be something we will stop doing when we hit them.  For example, a 25% milestone might be to stream with a facecam until we hit 25%.  Milestones will be posted in this thread by participating partners by 7PM BST on Friday 9th April 2021.

As always the event schedule can be found on the 24 hour events dashboard - or if you prefer the older layout in the info centre here -

April 2021 / #EE24H Spring 2021 Quotes
« on: April 03, 2021, 10:13:06 pm »
Did someone say something funny? Did someone say something embarrassing that needs recording?

As of April 2021 this thread should auto update with quotes as they are added to the 24 Hour Event system.  If you have a quote to submit please do so here -

Autumn 2020 / #EE24H Autumn 2020 Quotes
« on: November 13, 2020, 04:50:04 am »
Did someone say something funny? Did someone say something embarrassing that needs recording?

Note the quotes below (if you are an admin then please indicate if the quote has been entered into the 24H event system).

Autumn 2020 / #EE24H Autumn 2020
« on: October 26, 2020, 09:54:56 pm »
It's almost that time of year again, EE's 6th annual Autumn 24 hour event.

This event will be starting at the usual time of 7PM Community Time on Friday the 13th of November 2020.  The event as usual will be streamed live.  You can watch the stream from the 24 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team (great for during the split team events and race to complete) -
For our guests you can watch the team from the public team viewing page

We have decided that this years Autumn event will have a partial horror theme (as we're starting on Friday the 13th), so the first 12 hours will have a spooky/horror theme, the remaining 12 hours will be usual games/events.

Once again this years Autumn variant of the #EE24H will be the 'Stream Until We Dream', meaning only the first 12 hours of the event are guaranteed at this point.
The guaranteed time or donation time can be extended by anyone by simply donating towards the EE Autumn donation goal (see below for details), unlike last years SUWD event we have changed up the way donation time is added on.
Our team members (Scott, Martin, Butterzz, & Myself) will be able to choose whether we are participating in the SUWD which will change how the event works for us, for everyone else and any team members not partaking in the SUWD portion of the event, then they will be participating in the #EE24H as usual (more on this below).

Donation time can be accrued by hitting the EE milestones for the Autumn donation goal - £150
25% milestone (£37.50) will add 3 hours to the donation time and unlock that portion of the event schedule
50% milestone (£75) will add another 3 hours to the donation time bringing it up to 6 hours in total and unlock the next section of the event schedule
75% milestone (£112.50) will again add another 3 hours bringing the total to 9 hours and unlocking the penultimate section of the schedule
100% milestone (£150) will add the last 3 hours and unlock the full event schedule taking the SUWD duration to 24 hours.

Team members participating in the SUWD will not be carrying out milestone challenges/tasks but instead will be following the SUWD milestones.  All team members will be participating in donation challenges/tasks in a new way.
Team members not participating in the SUWD but instead participating in the more casual #EE24H will be asked to create milestones as per the usual event format.

For each donation we receive we will spin the donation wheel, this will decide who will do a challenge/task and what they will be doing, this will be done during the next donation spotlight portion of the event (currently planned for after each break).

Once again, the orders with each donation will NOT be returning for the SUWD or #EE24H Autumn event this year.

The full event schedule can be found here -

Team members will be posting below which of the variants they will be aiming to participate in and any relevenat information like donation spins and milestones below.

Any questions or suggestions, as always please post below.

Streamer Announcements / Somewhat Daily Streaming is Back
« on: June 01, 2020, 02:13:22 am »
Starting from 02/06/2020 @ 01:30 I will be doing almost daily streaming for at least the next 3 months, but aiming until the end of the year.

I will be taking Sundays off, streaming after work 4 nights a week (so Monday = Tuesday early AM etc) and the regular programming on Wednesday's and Friday's will continue unchanged.

I look forward to seeing you there!

April 2020 / #EE24H April 2020 Quotes
« on: March 30, 2020, 12:25:38 am »
Quotes should crossposted here in this thread and if you have the ability to do so added to our live quotes tracker via the 24 Hour Dashboard.  If you cannot post them to the live tracker please indicate you have not done so in your post here.

April 2020 / #EE24H April 2020
« on: March 30, 2020, 12:22:08 am »
It's almost that time of year again, Earth's Elite's 5th annual Spring 24 hour event.

As usual, the event will start at 7PM Community Time on Friday 3rd April and end 7PM Community Time the next day, the event will be streamed live on our various channels.  You can watch the stream from the 24 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team -
For our guests you can watch the team from thhe public team viewing page

This event is the original "Earth's Elite 24 Hour Event" therefore we will be aiming for a full 24 hours unlike the new format for the November version of this event.

As usual we will be trying to raise the remaining amount of our annual running costs with this stream.  We require £132 a year to operate, back in November we managed to raise £96.69 of this total after fees.  To account for fees we will be aiming for £45 from this stream to cover the remaining amount of our annual running costs.  With every donation we receive we will spin our 'donation' wheel up to 100% of our goal.

Milestones will be making a return! Milestones are wheel spins with two things for each milestone, one 'punishment' will be a fun lighter thing the other will be something we are willing to do but don't want to (if that makes sense).  There will be a 50% and 100% spin of the milestone wheels.  Hosts and Staff are permitted to weight the wheel for the 100% milestone spin, but must not weight the better option more than 5X that of the worse.  50% = £22.50 & 100% = £45.00

The event schedule can be found here -

Autumn 2019 / #EE24H Autumn 2019 Quotes
« on: November 22, 2019, 05:42:27 am »
Let's see if we can beat the classics this time around.

Anyone is permitted to add a quote to this thread if they think it's worthy.

Autumn 2019 / #EE24H Autumn 2019
« on: November 22, 2019, 05:33:27 am »
It's almost that time of year again, EE's 5th annual Autumn 24 hour event.

This event will be starting at the usual time of 7PM Community Time on Friday the 22nd of November 2019.  The event as usual will be streamed live.  You can watch the stream from the 24 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team (great for during the split team events and race to complete) -
For our guests you can watch the team from the public team viewing page

This years event has changed...

Unlike previous events the full 24 hours isn't our primary goal, nor is it guaranteed.  The first 12 hours of the event are guaranteed, so we'll be live until 7AM at the very least.  For every £11 donated within guaranteed time, you guarantee another hour to that time.  Should we receive the full £132 EE requires to operate for 1 full year, then the event will have a guaranteed time of 24 hours and at least one host must keep the event running.  If guaranteed time runs out, then the hosts are free to call the event at any time or they are free to activate another hour (or more) of guaranteed time (which means donations will once again count to adding time to the stream) if they wish.

The official name for this event is The Earth's Elite 24 Hour Stream Until You Dream!

Orders will NOT be making a return this time around.  They have instead been replaced by donation wheels.  For every donation we receive each host (or member of staff) will spin a wheel of challenges/punishments/etc things they are willing to do (we each have 3-5 different things) and will carry that out for each donation.  In the event of a high volume of donations we will spin once per hour so long as there have been donations that hour.

Milestones will be making a return, but in a changed format, the 25% and 75% have been dropped, milestones will also be wheel spins with two things for each milestone, one 'punishment' will be a fun lighter thing the other will be something we are willing to do but don't want to (if that makes sense).  There will be a 50% and 100% spin of the milestone wheels.  Hosts and Staff are permitted to weight the wheel for the 100% milestone spin, but must not weight the better option more than 5X that of the worse.

As EECoin has now been phased out of EE, earning this is no longer possible during this event.

The full event schedule can be found here -

I know there are a lot of changes this time around, if you have any questions please do ask below or ask us live on stream and we'll be happy to answer your questions!

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