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Author Topic: #EE24H Autumn 2019  (Read 32997 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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#EE24H Autumn 2019
« on: November 22, 2019, 05:33:27 am »

It's almost that time of year again, EE's 5th annual Autumn 24 hour event.

This event will be starting at the usual time of 7PM Community Time on Friday the 22nd of November 2019.  The event as usual will be streamed live.  You can watch the stream from the 24 hour event dashboard, which is arguably the best place to watch the stream from, this page will keep you up to date on the quotes and the event schedule as well as allow you to watch the full team (great for during the split team events and race to complete) -
For our guests you can watch the team from the public team viewing page

This years event has changed...

Unlike previous events the full 24 hours isn't our primary goal, nor is it guaranteed.  The first 12 hours of the event are guaranteed, so we'll be live until 7AM at the very least.  For every £11 donated within guaranteed time, you guarantee another hour to that time.  Should we receive the full £132 EE requires to operate for 1 full year, then the event will have a guaranteed time of 24 hours and at least one host must keep the event running.  If guaranteed time runs out, then the hosts are free to call the event at any time or they are free to activate another hour (or more) of guaranteed time (which means donations will once again count to adding time to the stream) if they wish.

The official name for this event is The Earth's Elite 24 Hour Stream Until You Dream!

Orders will NOT be making a return this time around.  They have instead been replaced by donation wheels.  For every donation we receive each host (or member of staff) will spin a wheel of challenges/punishments/etc things they are willing to do (we each have 3-5 different things) and will carry that out for each donation.  In the event of a high volume of donations we will spin once per hour so long as there have been donations that hour.

Milestones will be making a return, but in a changed format, the 25% and 75% have been dropped, milestones will also be wheel spins with two things for each milestone, one 'punishment' will be a fun lighter thing the other will be something we are willing to do but don't want to (if that makes sense).  There will be a 50% and 100% spin of the milestone wheels.  Hosts and Staff are permitted to weight the wheel for the 100% milestone spin, but must not weight the better option more than 5X that of the worse.

As EECoin has now been phased out of EE, earning this is no longer possible during this event.

The full event schedule can be found here -

I know there are a lot of changes this time around, if you have any questions please do ask below or ask us live on stream and we'll be happy to answer your questions!

« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 05:40:52 am by {EE} Callum Jackson »
Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

{EE} Callum Jackson

  • Earth's Elite CEO (Founder)
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  • Steam Profile: Steam Profile Of callum603
  • STO Character: Callum Jackson@Calcium1
  • Beware the ban hammer!
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    • Earth's Elite's
Re: #EE24H Autumn 2019
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2019, 05:39:39 am »

50% Milestone
Start RDR2 Singleplayer Series
Purchase GASP DLC and play it

100% Milestone
Complete remainder of event with facecam
Get shot with an airsoft gun on camera (note this may not happen within the 2 week time limit, but will be honoured within 6 months)

Donation Spins
Karaoke  - I Choose
Karaoke - They Choose
Facecam - 30 Minutes
Facecam - 1 Hour
Message a Discord contact of their choosing with a message they create

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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