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Author Topic: The Forge Partnership  (Read 53208 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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    • Earth's Elite's
The Forge Partnership
« on: August 20, 2019, 03:21:13 am »

My apologies for the delay in getting this out, there was a server issue that prevented me from making this announcement on time.

Sunday 18th of August 2019, the Senior Staff of Earth's Elite and the Operations Team of The Forge signed a partnership agreement.

This partnership agreement will move all gaming community aspects of EE to The Forge.  They will be the ones running regular events and generally gaming.
This will allow Earth's Elite to focus on something we have, for the most part, been doing already, streaming and content creation.  We will run large scale stream events like we've been doing for a while (Big Community Challenge, Halloween Stream, Drunk Stream, 24 hour's, etc), we will also produce content and host streams for The Forge.

This agreement is a great opportunity for EE and The Forge to help each other achieve their primary goals.

There will be extensive changes throughout the EE site in the coming weeks, if you haven't already I recommend setting up an account over on The Forge -

We will be keeping our forums here, but there will be some major changes coming to them to focus more on the streams etc.

For full disclosure, you can view the agreement below...

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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