The FiveM server has been up for almost a month now and I think it's safe to say that we've got it to a place where we're happy with it.
What this means is we will no longer be developing on the live server, instead any updates will be announced before going live and will be developed on a separate dev server.
Now that we're at this stage, I think it's a great time to get a regular afternoon/evening setup for a few of us to get on together to RP. Currently, the server is empty most of the time and it's not that great being on an empty server by yourself or to just have a couple of people on, especially if one is a cop and the other is a civ, one is going to be following the other rather than going about their own business confident they'll encounter RP along the way.
I want to open a discussion here to see whats the best day/time for everyone who wants to participate on the FiveM server.
I will start by suggesting Wednesday evenings, say from ~7PM Community Time.