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Author Topic: Earth's Elite Chief Executive Officer's End of Year Report - 2018  (Read 63907 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,

As has become customary, this post serves as my official end of year report for 2018.  Earth's Elite has just over 1 month left of full operational status until the Christmas period, which means it's time for me evaluate the year and look towards 2019.  This report is normally made just before or just after the end of year Senior meeting, however we have decided to forgo the meeting this year.

We started 2018 off with a goal of increasing activity and the worthwhile-ness of the community, sadly I don't feel we have managed to achieve that this year.  I recognise that this year has been rather busy for us Seniors IRL, however that has triggered a condition that we set at the start of this year.

As we haven't been able to achieve our targets with how we are currently run, 2019 will see several major changes to Earth's Elite, this has been dubbed the wind down.  Originally this was a plan to wind down the community to a state of minimal to no overhead costs or management, however, I feel this plan has changed slightly over that last few months.

2019 will be EE's wind down year, so no changes will be made until January 2019, full changes will be announced next year once the Seniors have had their January meeting, however, some changes I can reveal now...

When EE first opened 5 years ago, we grew slowly but did manage to build, albeit small, active group of members, however, I feel we tried to expand to quickly and without enough members to help support the expansion, we imploded, so it's time to scale back.

Each server will be reviewed in January, as of this time I don't want to axe any physical servers, so there's a good chance that most of the servers will remain online, but their future will be unknown and support will be dropped to moderating and maintenance only (of course we'll be able to use them for community events).

That leads me nicely on to events, we changed them up a few months ago to division activities and division events, the latter for one off large scale events and the first for weekly frag matches or whatever, but again for these to be successful we needed a larger active member base, something we don't currently have.  So these I plan to switch up even more, keeping weekly activities like community night, but events will be more rare and limited to things like the upcoming 24 hour event.  More info on this will be announced in January once the rest of the Seniors have had a chance to give their input.

Staffing within EE, effective immediately by CEO Directive I am hereby closing all EE staff vacancies, a full staffing restructure will happen within EE next year, I plan to propose a staffing model that will have the Senior Staff -> Administrators -> Moderators.  These members of staff will not be limited to one division (more on divisions later) but will be global throughout EE.

The EE divisions were rearranged slightly during the last Senior Staff meeting, but they will be changed again in January, as I said near the start, we expanded too quickly and now need to scale back, we will be focusing on one or two games only (a 2019 suggestion thread will be opened shortly for anyone who wants to suggest games etc that we should focus on).  As it currently stands I can exclusively reveal that one of the games we will add to the list right out the gate will be GTA:V/FiveM, but details on what exactly that will be won't be released until January.

What we want to achieve next year during the wind down is going to be difficult, it's going to require a lot of dedication on our part and I'm hoping we can build something that you guys, our members, will be willing to help us out with and grow together.

I say this a lot, when I first opened EE I wanted to try and build a small, active, fun, and relaxed community, aimed at giving our members/players the best experience possible, I think there was a time we, maybe for a week or two that we achieved this :P.  I want us next year to try and achieve this.  I've very much had an outlook that more is better, the more events we host the better it must be, what's really happened is we've hosted a lot of watered down events rather than do three or four really good ones, next year I want us to aim for quality rather than quantity, if that means we host an event have 4 people turn up to it but have a blast, then that means that target was achieved.

If you are new to the community and haven't seen anything going on recently, please please please don't give up on us, let's make 2019 our year, let's make something great together that we can all be proud of.

2018 isn't over yet though, no no, coming up this month we've got the legendary #EE24H Autumn edition (details available here -, November 23rd - 24th starting at 7PM GMT.  We also have the mess that is the end of year party or as we tend to call it, The Drunk Stream, coming up on the 30th December.  I'm sure we'll also have a few last minute Christmas-y based activities/events too.  I do hope to see some of you about during this events.  Let's send 2018 out with a bang and welcome in a new year for EE.

One last thing before I sign off this report, I just wanted to say a massive thank you to those who have stuck by EE over the last 5 years, we've had our up (no I didn't for get the S :P ) and our many downs.  I really do appreciate everything you have all done to help out over the years and hope that you will be sticking with us into next year.

If I don't speak to you before...

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

C. Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Earth's Elite


Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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