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Author Topic: Harsh Facts  (Read 46749 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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    • Earth's Elite's
Harsh Facts
« on: May 12, 2018, 02:14:19 am »

Good morning folks (as of the time of writing this),

The Earth's Elite Senior Staff are due to convene for a meeting within the next week, Friday 18th @ 3PM Community Time (BST), this is probably going to be one of the most important senior meetings we've ever held.  We're not only discussing the usual day to day operational subjects, but instead, we'll be facing the harsh facts of Earth's Elite.

We are well aware that since day one, EE hasn't every really succeeded.  Sure, some events have had good turn outs, etc etc, but overall our overage event attendance is 1 or 2, yes, I fully respect that EE isn't judged solely on it's events, there's a whole lot more going on, but even if we still look at the community utilisation of the services offered, it's either by guests or 1 or 2 members, for all intents and purposes, EE is dead.

Something I have said from day one, I will never close the community and I will never merge Earth's Elite into another community, this still holds true today.

The difference between this time last year and this year is massive.  For example, Friday 11th May to Sunday 13th May 2018 should have been Venture Radio's Big Weekend.  Third Annual, but, it isn't.  After having been planned for months, time off work booked (at least by myself), we were never able to get it off the ground.  (Just in case you're wondering, Venture Radio is run by EE and SSRF jointly, making VR an organisation under the EE banner).  This truly upsets me (and not just because I have wasted a valuable day of annual leave from work for it), this is something I truly enjoy doing, but, we couldn't.

On Friday 18th the Seniors and I will discuss where we go from here, how do we turn this around.  We are celebrating our 5 year anniversary this year, 5 years ago when I began working on the Earth's Elite project (yup, EE was already in the pipelines in May 2013), where I visioned the community would be 5 years from her launch, definitely was not here, we're actually in a worse place than where we started (silver lining - we achieved something at least).

I don't want this to be a wall of text and I've already done the whole "We need your help" thing and that hasn't worked, so, to be brief.  If you have any ideas, please post them below, if you have the drive to help rebuild a battered and broken community, contact me directly here - - You don't need to dedicate money etc to help us out, but we do need people with enough time and dedication to EE.

After the meeting next week the seniors will have an action plan and this action plan will have an "if all else fails" clause.  This is forewarning, if we have not been able to turn the community around (or there are no signs of this happening) Earth's Elite will, in January 2019, reduce staffing to Senior Staff, and begin what we are calling a wind down.  We will run in limited operations for a year (allowing various services EE hosts to expire) and we will reduce ourselves to what can run on the main EE server and nothing else, making December 31st 2019 the official last operating day of EE.  This is our worst case scenario and I do not want to have to enact the wind down clause.

So if you can help, please, I implore you to step forward now, be it a simple idea, to joining the EE staff (note, all staff position may be changing, you're submitting interest not candidacy at this time).

If you got this far, thank you.  Below is the full agenda the Senior Staff will be discussing next week (certain parts have been redacted).

  • Review any points from last meeting
  • Address failure in meeting March/April targets
  • Set May/June targets
    • Activity & Growth Brainstorming (Add your notes in bullet form under your name - if you have a duplicate add it anyway to show you have something to say about it, aim for a minimum of 5 unique ones)
      • Chief Executive Officer - Callum Jackson
        • Monthly FaceBook Adverts
        • Monthly Community Nights
        • Social Media - Advertise events, communicate to potential members
        • Partnerships - Seek out new partnership like with TLO that will mutually benefit both sides
        • Self Promotion - Seek out other communities or websites that may allow us to promote ourselves
        • Discuss maybe reducing EE's services to focus ourselves more
        • Lead from the front - Senior Staff to be proactive and active as much as possible
        • Word of Mouth - Recommend EE to people we meet IRL and online
        • Competitions - Open a competition to win a game or something and promote it via social media, signing up to the competition should require membership
        • Live/Recorded Content - Stream/Record community events and get our name out there to potential viewers and show us at our best
        • More Forum Activity - Forum games, discussions etc
        • Potetially more on the day
      • Chief Operating Officer - Scott Archer
        • //Add Points Here
      • Community Manager - Shoot
        • //Add Points Here
  • Promotions & Awards Ceremony
    • ***Redacted***
    • Promotions
      • ***Redacted***
    • Awards
      • ***Redacted***
  • Community events Q3 & Q4
    • Venture Radio Big Weekend
    • Summer Solstice Event 2018
    • Big Community Challenge (Singles) 2018 [Review - Should we attempt one last time?]
    • Halloween Event 2018 (26/10/2018)
    • Autumn 24 Hour Event
    • Celebration Weekend 2018 (5 Year Anniversary)
    • Christmas Party 2018
    • Christmas Downtime 2018
    • Winter Solstice Event 2018
    • End of Year Party 2018
  • Community Finances
    • ***All Redacted***

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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