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Author Topic: Earth's Elite LaunchPad - Major Update  (Read 43656 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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Earth's Elite LaunchPad - Major Update
« on: October 28, 2018, 12:24:27 am »

As this is a major update to the EE LaunchPad I wanted to put a note out here too.

The LaunchPad has been updated to version 3.0.0, this version brings something I have been wanting to add for a while.  When installing the new LP you will be faced with a new install process, this is to configure out new background process.

The background process will collect a full list of the games you have added (a master list of games is due in the next update) to your LaunchPad, it will periodically check to see if you are playing a game from that list, if you happen to be doing so, it will update the website and begin recording your hours, once you have finished playing it will log your hours played.  This service negates the need to open the LP client or come to the website to launch your games, instead you can launch them direct from Steam, Origin, etc.

In order for this to work you will be asked to enter some information while installing the LaunchPad, one of which will be your LP PIN.  In order to generate this you will need to go the client or website version before installing, there will be a button to generate your PIN just above your total in game hours.

You also have a choice to have this background process run with Windows startup or launch only when you want it open. There is a file under the EE folder in your start menu that will allow you to close this background process should you need to do so (along with an option to launch it).  This background process has been named EELP in the current release.

This version also brings a smarter install/update process, while it wont work during this install, updates from version 3.0 will go a lot smoother and there will be no redundant steps.

Any questions or issues please do post them below.

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
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Earth's Elite


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{EE} Callum Jackson

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Re: Earth's Elite LaunchPad - Major Update
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2018, 01:09:41 am »

The master list for games has been added!

This now means you don't need to always add a game to the LaunchPad for it to be detected on your computer, while not every game in existence has been added to this list, any game that any EE member has ever added to the LaunchPad will become available to you.

These games that you haven't added will not need to be added to your personal LaunchPad as the program will auto detect them, however, if you find you are playing a game and it's not being detected by the LaunchPad, then it is highly likely that it has not been added to anyones LaunchPad, therefore you will need to add it to your own to make it available to you and everyone else.

If like me you have the odd few games that you have your own pet name for and would like to have that show while you're playing that specific game, then all you need to do is add the game to your own LaunchPad as all games added to your LaunchPad take priority over any that are on the master list.

This master list applies only to the new background process version of the LaunchPad, if you wish to view the full list of games that are on the master list (plus your own personal LaunchPad) then on your own PC with the background process running go to
Code: [Select]
%AppData%\EarthElite and open the games.txt file.

Any questions or issues then as normal, please do post them below.

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
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Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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