My apologies for the late announcement of this. At the time of writing this the first wave or printing has already been completed.
Earth's Elite was supposed to release a 2017 mug last year, around November, but due to budget constraints we were unable to release it last year. We had decided that we would release two this year as a result, one around now (March/April) and then on in November, which is when it should be released.
We released the 2017 mug about a week ago, unlike last year, the campaign will run until we end it. We will keep the campaign running on this limited edition mug until one week after the April 24 hour event (13/04/2018). They will print and ship every 3 days.
Earth's Elite will be making no profit on these mugs, we are selling them at cost price, so to speak, so you pay the least amount as possible.
You can take a look and purchase 2017's mug here -
Any issues, you can of course contact the senior staff, but if it regarding the shipping or an issue with the mug itself (damaged, etc), you will need to direct your queries to Teespring themselves.