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Author Topic: Big Community Challenge (Singles) 2017 - WINNER  (Read 44031 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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Big Community Challenge (Singles) 2017 - WINNER
« on: July 16, 2017, 07:33:54 pm »

I'm sure most of you already know, three weeks ago EE ran the Big Community Challenge sign-ups, 4 members signed up to this challenge, making this years Big Community Challenge more successful in terms of contestants than last year.  With more contestants it allowed me to host bigger and better events, such as challenge one which was a minecraft UHC.

Unfortunately, come challenge one, only one contestants could be bothered to turn up, everyone else who had signed up and agreed the time and day was fine, had other things they had to do at the time, Shoot was crowned the winner of challenge one by default.  For reference, I had spend roughly 4 hours setting up a world for the challenge, I had picked out a perfect world seed, I had worked out the timings and exactly how the UHC would be played based on a number of scenarious that would likely happen during the challenge.  I was rather annoyed that no contestant other than Shoot turned up, but these things happen.

Challenge two, was just a repeat of challenge one, the GMod challenge originally planned didn't go ahead due to on the night technical difficulties, so the backup challenge was to be challenge two, unfortuantely, no other contestant but Shoot turned up, so he was once again crowned the winner by default.

As CEO of Earth's Elite and the game master of the Big Community Challenges, I would just like to take a moment to express how unhappy and annoyed I am at the members who agreed to turn up, but didn't, most of you are staff of Earth's Elite, knowing that these events are streamed live to the world, you are not representing the EE community in very good way, I also ask that you take a moment to reply to your fellow contestant, Shoot, here -,912.msg3070.html#new.  I will leave the topic unlocked for a while so you can do so.  I understand that some of you may not be available at the time of the event, that's why you don't sign up to it, the event has a set time that you are expected to attend and you all knew this going into the event.  I would like to re-ask Shoot's question, why sign up to the event if you were not going to attend?

Normally, in this situation I would not award anything to anyone, however, as a thank you to Shoot for actually turning up, I crown Shoot the winner of the Earth's Elite Big Community Challenge 2017 Singles, you will receive the grand prize of 100,000 Promotion Points along with the runner up and third place prizes, bringing your winnings to 175,000 Promotion Points.  As a personal thank you for turning up, I also award you the grand prize from the Earth's Elite Big Community Challenge 2017 Teams, so a further 100,000 Promotion Points.  Bringing your total winnings to 275,000 Promotion Points.  You are also awarded all Singles prizes on the Community Discord Server we were partnered with for this challenge.

Thank You & Congratulations Shoot!

The Big Community Challenge will be back in January 2018 for the teams season two edition.  Depending on the outcome of the teams edition, we may bring back the singles version in July of 2018.

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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