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Author Topic: We Wield The Ban Crowbar For The First Time  (Read 36400 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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We Wield The Ban Crowbar For The First Time
« on: September 07, 2017, 02:03:05 am »

Despite the silly title, this topic is regarding a serious matter.  For the first time in Earth's Elite history, the senior staff are revoking a global community permanent ban.

I cannot go into too much detail, as most of it is still classified.  Just over 3 years ago, Earth's Elite was forced to issue it's first global community permanent ban.  There are currently only two of these in affect.

The ban was essentially issued for breaching a position of trust, this was confirmed, or so we thought, by information provided to us during an internal investigation.

3 years on, new information has come to light that has shown that our decision was based on false information provided to us at the time, therefore, the Senior Staff have unanimously decided to overturn the ruling of the 2014 Senior Staff.

As Chief Executive Officer of Earth's Elite and representative of the Earth's Elite Senior Staff, authorised by a unanimous vote of the Senior Staff - CEO Callum Jackson, COO Scott Archer, & CM Shoot - I hereby revoke the global permanent ban of Gavin Newton.  This ban was issued as a direct result of false information being submitted to the senior staff in 2014 by a staff officer of the Earth's Elite community.  On behalf of myself and the entire Senior Staff, both today and from 2014, I sincerely apologise for this incorrect ruling.  Should you see this message in the future, I extend an invitation to rejoin the community, if you wish to do so, with all previous achievements withstanding and this unjust action expunged from your record.

Unfortunately, we cannot end this topic here.  The staff officer in question has since left Earth's Elite's active staff rosters and is no longer an active member, however, this member allowed another Earth's Elite member to take the punishment he himself should have received, he not only breached a position of trust as a staff officer, he also lied to the senior staff to protect himself, in doing so, he directly affected the decision made by the Senior Staff in 2014.  These actions are unforgivable and come with a severe punishment.

As Chief Executive Officer of Earth's Elite and representative of the Earth's Elite Senior Staff, authorised by a unanimous vote of the Senior Staff - CEO Callum Jackson, COO Scott Archer, CM Shoot - I hereby issue John Adams with a Global Community Permanent Ban.  You will be permanently banned from all services Earth's Elite offers, present and future.  While you have the ability to appeal this decision, I would strongly suggest you only use your one and only chance to appeal if you have extremely compelling evidence to issue to the Senior Staff that proves you are in fact innocent in this.  Effective as of 06/09/2017 @ 17:00 Community Time, John Adams has been permanently banned from Earth's Elite.

Once again, my sincerest apologise to Gavin Newton.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 02:10:06 am by {EE} Callum Jackson »
Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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