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Author Topic: Award Nominations May 2017  (Read 46524 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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    • Earth's Elite's
Award Nominations May 2017
« on: May 15, 2017, 12:04:01 am »

The May 2017 Promotions & Awards Ceremony is less than a week away, in fact, in a weeks time the P&A Ceremony will have been over for an hour already!

Who will be getting awards?  Well, that's partly for you to decide.  If there are any awards you'd like to nominate a member for, please PM me, I ask that no nominations are posted below as we like to keep them a surprise, it's also nicer if for some reason we can't award that person an award they have been nominated for.

Awards members can be nominated for:

Community Mentor - Support new members, etc
Pillar of the Community - Very active, involved with most events, kind, and helpful

Good SRP - good SRP
Command Award - awarded to CO's
Tactical Award
Science Award
Engineering Award
The Plot Jacker - Plot Jacks The Most/Best
Most Realistic - Being the most realistic

Dead Eye - Most accurate
Spray & Pray - Least accurate
Sniper - For the most head shots in an event

Sandbox & MMO do not yet officially have any awards associated with them, and simulations are based on the upcoming VA system, but if you think of something, please do PM me with it anyway, you never know, you may just invent a new EE award!

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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