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Author Topic: Single Airline or VA  (Read 39616 times)

{BANNED} jamessolomon

Single Airline or VA
« on: December 20, 2015, 01:12:34 pm »

Was toying with the idea today flying newly installed aircraft and was thinking maybe a session with a single airline throughout the years perhaps. We could have a mix of aircraft flying from the airline take BA iv been playing with my DC10 in Landor livery but you could have other liveries or special schemes like the world tails, chelsea rose, olympics, blue peter, red nose, panda, the latest crest one, farewell 757 ect and have like airline action if Callum ever gets around to installing the ATC module could be loads of fun. I think this could be fun in a few ways as it would give us something to do maybe install that thing also Callum talks about he uses and we get a proper EE airline going where we have a manifest ranks and we log our flights into a system on the EE site perhaps with a login. I think it would be fun trying to play a virtual airline within EE and we pick the fleet to fly say like the fleet of EE Airways is 737NG, DC10, 717, 777 (threw this in for Bofum), A330/340, A320 and sone regional jets like ATRs or Embraers (like American Eagle thing).

I suppose this could work maybe with the rank system you have a minimum flight hours to achieve the next rank and then depending on your flights and amount of flights an EE Airways fleet captain can promote you to the next rank. So we say have Callum and Bofum as fleet captains then the rest of us start out from the bottom and work our way up to captain and possibly senior captain for a certain aircraft type. I think we should have a livery perhaps or use a single airline livery when flying these EE Airways flights and we each get an official EE Airways callsign assigned to us to fly with allowing us be more professional for example Callum is EE1 so all flights logged will be EE1 callsign and so forth. Maybe we have perhaps a training captain also to train us on various tricky airport approaches for example like Maderia or Eaglevale and we choose a main Base to base the airline out of so we all fly from there and then expand after a while to another Base we can operate out of.

It sounds a good idea iv been toying with the idea for a while since FS2004 when i kind of unofficially ran my own Virtual airline with some friends. It was fun whilst it lasted then we went our separate ways and it sort of wound down till it was just me racking up the most flights in a 146 clocking up about 3000 flights before some returned and we ran it for a few months before closing it down as RL kicked in for most of the others and I got bored being the only one logging flights so we wound it down and it dissapeared into history. I feel if we are going to keep the FSX division open we could use this as a sort of event thing to create more events in the calender for this division and have more fun with it. We could have a couple of times a year we have a sorta meet and we show off and could include competitions and training flights between airports and other things but I think this might kick off if either Callum or Bofum or both are interested in the concept


{EE} Callum Jackson

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Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2015, 02:18:49 pm »

Was toying with the idea today flying newly installed aircraft and was thinking maybe a session with a single airline throughout the years perhaps. We could have a mix of aircraft flying from the airline take BA iv been playing with my DC10 in Landor livery but you could have other liveries or special schemes like the world tails, chelsea rose, olympics, blue peter, red nose, panda, the latest crest one, farewell 757 ect and have like airline action if Callum ever gets around to installing the ATC module could be loads of fun. I think this could be fun in a few ways as it would give us something to do maybe install that thing also Callum talks about he uses and we get a proper EE airline going where we have a manifest ranks and we log our flights into a system on the EE site perhaps with a login. I think it would be fun trying to play a virtual airline within EE and we pick the fleet to fly say like the fleet of EE Airways is 737NG, DC10, 717, 777 (threw this in for Bofum), A330/340, A320 and sone regional jets like ATRs or Embraers (like American Eagle thing).

I suppose this could work maybe with the rank system you have a minimum flight hours to achieve the next rank and then depending on your flights and amount of flights an EE Airways fleet captain can promote you to the next rank. So we say have Callum and Bofum as fleet captains then the rest of us start out from the bottom and work our way up to captain and possibly senior captain for a certain aircraft type. I think we should have a livery perhaps or use a single airline livery when flying these EE Airways flights and we each get an official EE Airways callsign assigned to us to fly with allowing us be more professional for example Callum is EE1 so all flights logged will be EE1 callsign and so forth. Maybe we have perhaps a training captain also to train us on various tricky airport approaches for example like Maderia or Eaglevale and we choose a main Base to base the airline out of so we all fly from there and then expand after a while to another Base we can operate out of.

It sounds a good idea iv been toying with the idea for a while since FS2004 when i kind of unofficially ran my own Virtual airline with some friends. It was fun whilst it lasted then we went our separate ways and it sort of wound down till it was just me racking up the most flights in a 146 clocking up about 3000 flights before some returned and we ran it for a few months before closing it down as RL kicked in for most of the others and I got bored being the only one logging flights so we wound it down and it dissapeared into history. I feel if we are going to keep the FSX division open we could use this as a sort of event thing to create more events in the calender for this division and have more fun with it. We could have a couple of times a year we have a sorta meet and we show off and could include competitions and training flights between airports and other things but I think this might kick off if either Callum or Bofum or both are interested in the concept

When I actually get around to contacting Bofum, been meaning to for a while now, but keep forgetting.  I'll be setting 'Elite Air' up.  Hence why I use the callsign 'Elite Air 1' in game atm.

The FS Network and FS Virtual Airline (Elite Air) will take some setting up.  My plans are to have an automated system for members who want to get a login for the FS Network, this will be done through the site, once they've got their login, they can sign up to Elite Air through the same area, for their application to be approved, a senior captain of EA must perform a checkride with them, this will consist of:
7 Touch and go landings
1 Stall and recovery
1 Steep 360 Degree Turn (greater than 40 degree bank angle)
1 Emergency Landing - Senior Captain will not reveal what emergency the pilot will face, up until the emergency happens.

If the pilot passes, they get their wings to be a junior first officer.  Elite Air flights aboard aircrafts such as a 737 would require a Captain & First Officer, so either a real person should be with you, or if you use a program such as FSCaptain which simulates a first officer, then you can fly with that.

In the event you crash whilst flying an EA flight, you would be required to report it and submit all your flight data, for the EA crash investigation team to investigate the cause of the crash.  During that time you'd be suspended from flying EA flights, until we can determine it wasn't pilot error.

On the website you'd be able to generate a flight, but you'd be required to check the weather, plan your flight plan, and calculate how much fuel you'd need.  You'd then plug that data into the website and virtually sign the dispatch form.  If we then determine you're using too much fuel, etc, we can pull you up on it.  It would be the Captain's responsibility to ensure this data is correct, sign off on the fuel, passengers, etc, etc.

We would have our own livery for each aircraft, it would match the general EE theme.

As for the FS Network, the ATC wouldn't be automated, it will literally use a TeamSpeak 2 server, that would then automatically move you around the channels as you change your radio frequencies in game, we'd have to have real people playing ATC at airports, radar centres, etc, etc.

We'll also be setting up the real world weather server, so we can force the real world weather and time on you when flying on our FS Network server.

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

{BANNED} jamessolomon

Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2015, 02:56:04 pm »

Sounds interesting iv been practicing 717s and dc10s and when I get around to installing the airbuses 330s and 320s are we also having a cargo division to the virtual airline. I know Callums seem me fly recently and my unusual landing techniques would possibly get me fired or on report all the time. Iv also been practising on single seat aircraft such as Pilatus Porter and others as i mainly fly alone these days when im flying and its fun. I seee it could turn out quite good if you specified the fleet but that limits people to fly what they can handle. I used to mostly fly seaplanes and the occasional jet aircraft when the VA I ran was in full swing most of my 3000 flights with the VA was seaplanes flying around Scotish locks from Manchester or Leeds. How would your training work if you decided to fly single seat passenger aircraft such as the Porter for example how would you be trained then seeing as there is only a single seat and people cant join in.

So how would this work you limiting it to just 2 seat passenger aircraft or single seat plus 2 seat and cargo aircraft or would you have to all fly the same aircraft type like a Ryanair fleet scenario or could we choose our own and be given a reg/fltno/callsign and go from there. A mate if mine had more flying hours than me but i had more flights purely because he flew the learjet 45 as medical flights ahd racked up short hops alot. So would we have pax/cargo and seaplanes within the fleet ranging from jet to prop or would it be all one thing an all jet fleet for example. Props i can do quite well in them depending in size and other factors but i tend to play really small jet aircraft such as the 146, erj, 717 ect and fly from Manchester to say IOM or Somewhere close


{EE} Callum Jackson

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Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2015, 04:01:01 pm »

Sounds interesting iv been practicing 717s and dc10s and when I get around to installing the airbuses 330s and 320s are we also having a cargo division to the virtual airline. I know Callums seem me fly recently and my unusual landing techniques would possibly get me fired or on report all the time. Iv also been practising on single seat aircraft such as Pilatus Porter and others as i mainly fly alone these days when im flying and its fun. I seee it could turn out quite good if you specified the fleet but that limits people to fly what they can handle. I used to mostly fly seaplanes and the occasional jet aircraft when the VA I ran was in full swing most of my 3000 flights with the VA was seaplanes flying around Scotish locks from Manchester or Leeds. How would your training work if you decided to fly single seat passenger aircraft such as the Porter for example how would you be trained then seeing as there is only a single seat and people cant join in.

So how would this work you limiting it to just 2 seat passenger aircraft or single seat plus 2 seat and cargo aircraft or would you have to all fly the same aircraft type like a Ryanair fleet scenario or could we choose our own and be given a reg/fltno/callsign and go from there. A mate if mine had more flying hours than me but i had more flights purely because he flew the learjet 45 as medical flights ahd racked up short hops alot. So would we have pax/cargo and seaplanes within the fleet ranging from jet to prop or would it be all one thing an all jet fleet for example. Props i can do quite well in them depending in size and other factors but i tend to play really small jet aircraft such as the 146, erj, 717 ect and fly from Manchester to say IOM or Somewhere close

The training pilot would take a seat in the back, but zoom their camera into the cockpit, we'd find away.

You'd be free to fly a PAX flight or a cargo flight, you'd be able to choose from the options on the site when you're generating your flight.

In terms of the fleet, it would all depend on what you can fly and what the training pilots can fly.  For example, I couldn't perform a checkride with you aboard any Airbus, I simply don't know the aircraft, but aboard a 737NGX I could.

It's not limited to 2 seat passenger aircrafts, for example, if I was to choose a flight from LHR - JFK aboard a B777, I'd require 3 pilots, myself, a First Officer, and a Junior First Officer.  Though I'm not sure how FSX handles more than 2 pilots...

I am, however, willing to learn the other aircraft systems etc, if you'd prefer to fly them.  You'd only have to master the default version of the aircraft, as I wouldn't expect Bofum to purchase the PMDG 737NGX just to do a checkride with me.

The fleet will be limited at the start, as we've only got a handful of pilots.  How I plan to have it work is that Captains will be able to choose the aircraft they fly.  They'll be permitted to fly 2 different aircrafts within the VA, FO's will be assigned to Captains, so they'll have to fly the aircraft the Captain chooses, however, you will get the option to choose you're preferred aircraft as an FO, so we'll try to assign you to a Captain who flies that.

Once you make Captain, you could then 'retrain' to fly another aircraft.

Prop planes would be permitted for the short charter flights, I'm not 100% sure how type ratings works with prop planes.  So for the time being we may just allow all pilots to fly all small prop planes.

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

{BANNED} jamessolomon

Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2015, 07:57:45 pm »

so are u going to build some sort of intergrated ee system for this


{EE} Callum Jackson

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Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2015, 10:51:02 pm »

so are u going to build some sort of intergrated ee system for this

That's the plan.  Though a fully functioning system may not make it's way into EE 2.1, but I will try.

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

{BANNED} jamessolomon

Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2015, 11:10:56 pm »

Hows that build going


{EE} Callum Jackson

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Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2015, 11:15:54 pm »

Hows that build going

2.1 isn't going into development until January, earliest.  Giving the 2.0 release a chance to reveal all it's bugs to me, lol.

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

{BANNED} jamessolomon

Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2015, 11:18:38 pm »

oh so are you VAing on your own then with the PMDG machine


{EE} Callum Jackson

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Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2015, 11:21:56 pm »

oh so are you VAing on your own then with the PMDG machine

Yeah, kinda, though atm I'm flying for BA, but will start flying for EE once the system gets setup.

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

{BANNED} jamessolomon

Re: Single Airline or VA
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2015, 11:25:39 pm »

You should start anyway start making flight to start putting hours into the kitty before you launch it thats why its a good thing


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