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Author Topic: Airshow  (Read 31751 times)

{BANNED} jamessolomon

« on: April 09, 2015, 01:07:21 pm »

Mentioned this on last nights event and got some interesting comments on voice chat so my question is what about an Airshow later in the year maybe each year the Earth Elite virtual airshow on set dates where we give players time to choose an aircraft and to lean the routine to display and we pick a place and show off our skills


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Re: Airshow
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2015, 02:41:34 pm »

This sounds cool, lookin' forward to hear more about this

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Fleet Admiral Jeremy Okane,
Echo Fleet, U.S.S. Odyssey, NCC-92000-D Odyssey Class Tactical Star Cruiser
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{BANNED} jamessolomon

Re: Airshow
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2015, 03:53:22 pm »

Basically iv got the jist of it downpat the airshow will consist of 4 shows a Spring airshow 2 Summer and an Autumn one consisting of 2 UK 2 US ones. freeware scenery will be needed to be downloaded before hand and freeware aircraft only with avalible links to the appropriate sites if you join up 4 aircraft per user for the 4 airshows then you can change each year the aircraft for that years airshows also winter is training season. Sofar 1/2 UK sites has been chosen being Duxford EGSU and another is still being debated on also going to talk to Bofum on a couple of US choices so i can find the appropriate scenery. In between iv decided on maybe one or 2 themed events or FIFO (Fly in Fly out) event being held somewhere of a chosen location. Team displays are welcomed as long as you pick a name and list the team and aircraft with download links it shouldnt be a problem you can also display with or without the same aircraft in a formation such as for example BBMF Spitfire - Lancaster - Hurricane.

The Airshow will be an EE event or calling it the EE airshow season for example Duxford would be EE Duxford just like Fairford is RIAT Fairford. Im debating weather to have control of the UK side and let Bofum control the US airshow side and coordinating together on schedules dates and the programme of events someone if they like can be airshow commentator for the airshows. Basically we will be using freeware scenery aircraft and real world weather for the events debating a start time of either 6pm or 7pm on a weekend and setting it up so we have the participants and programme ready and will work out rules and such to enable the event to be a hit and everyone gets a turn at displaying there skills in there chosen aircraft (everyone must download participants aircraft and textures in order to see the show)
So thats the jist sorta on paper but will be expanded further in tonights event at 8pm


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