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Author Topic: A Few Changes  (Read 51536 times)

{EE} Callum Jackson

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A Few Changes
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:02:42 am »


Some of you may already be aware that for the last year or so I've been looking for a job, finally I've found one.

For the next few weeks any events that I had arranged are being cancelled (The October 30th event will still go ahead, I will try my hardest to be there, but the event will officially end at midnight instead of 2AM as I had planned).

Currently, I don't know what my days are for working, I started on Tuesday, so I've already worked 3 days, I have tomorrow (Friday 09th Oct.) off, but after this weekend I don't know what I'll be working.

For that reason I'm unable to rearrange my events, until I know when I can do them.

My Monday Venture Radio show is on hiatus, it will return, but it might not be on a Monday and it will very likely stay as a fortnightly show.  I should know or at least be able to give and educated guess, as to what the dates etc of my events will change to by the end of Sunday.

The Senior Staff meeting that was supposed to happen on Wednesday at 4PM had to be cancelled as I was unavailable (it being the last one of 2015, I wanted all senior staff there), so if there was something you wanted to submit for the meeting that you need/want us to discuss, there's still a chance to get it into the meeting, just message one of the senior staff members.  The meeting will be rearranged after Sunday.

With me now working, that does mean I'll have less time to come on here, but at present I feel I'll still be able to dedicate enough time to the community to stay as Community Director, if that changes, I will of course step aside, even if just temporarily.  Once I get myself into a routine, we should be good.  On my days off work, I should have more time to dedicated to EE as well, as I wont be having to fulfill the 'Job Seekers Claimant Commitment', meaning I no longer have to sit down at my PC and job search for 35 hours a week.

Whatever happens, I don't foresee any changes that will occur to the November 24 Hour Event, even if I have to come straight from working an 8 hour day to do the 24 hour event, I will.

@Khta & Scott, Now that I'm actually earning money, expect at least two donations to EE during the 24 Hour event, with your orders ;)

In summary, I'm gonna be all over the place for the next few weeks as I try and sort everything out IRL.  I found out Monday evening that I started the next day at 10AM, so I didn't really have much time to plan any of this, lol (although, I suppose you could argue I had the year and a bit that I was looking to plan for when it actually happened...).

Callum Jackson
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Re: A Few Changes
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2015, 12:38:46 pm »

That's good news! Congratulations for getting job!

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I've been working on the railroad all the live long day!

{EE} Callum Jackson

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Re: A Few Changes
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2015, 12:26:36 am »

That's good news! Congratulations for getting job!

Thank you, it is good news.

I now know my work schedule, so I should be able to start organising events etc again.

I'll be working the celebration weekend...weekend, but Sunday is only until 4PM, so I should be able to attend a good portion of the events, I'll at least have the Friday off so I'll be able to start the weekend off with you all :D Then you can all party on without me whilst I'm out working  :'(

Callum Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
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Earth's Elite


That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error...

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