Hola, Mi Amigos!
Just thought I would pop a very quick message in to say hello

Glad to be teaming up with you guys, and looking forward to darn good alliance between our two organisations.
I'll be looking to pop a little more info in here to save people meandering to our website unless they want more detail, but in short - SSRF has been around for about a year/2 years now under the SSRF name but was before that known as the United Federation of Planets Defence Fleet since 2006. I myself have approx. 12 years Creative Writing experience along with my co-Joint Fleet Commander over in SSRF, and our Fleet Exec has about ohhhhh 30 I think? He started off with the ol' pen and paper and mailing letters RPG, believe it or not. With you guys here looking at the Virtual Gaming, we'll take on your Creative Writing emphasis - at present I command a Fleet within STO that has around about 135 members, my plan will be to email out to everyone that I am closing said Fleet and they need to head to you guys for the replacement etc.
Any questions in the meantime about our SSRF family and home, by all means, do drop me a question!
Admiral Malloway, JFCO
Starfleet Strategic Response Fleet