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Author Topic: Ensign Archer/ Commander Angel/ Admiral Jackson EVA walk JP  (Read 40901 times)

{EE} Scott Archer

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Re: Ensign Archer/ Commander Angel EVA walk JP
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2014, 10:31:09 pm »

USS Enterprise
1654 Hours

"Sir, all personnel are back on board," the security officer reported.
"Thank you, Ensign," Will said. Reverse the polarity of the magnetic field on the outer hull."
"Reversing polarity, aye, sir."
Will watched with some measure of satisfaction as the entire contingent of Xindi was repulsed from the ship's surface. He felt their fear and anger, but closed his mind to it.
"Good work. Where's Archer?"
"Um... he's on his way to the bridge, sir."
Will turned to look at the turbolift just at the moment it opened to reveal the exhausted-looking officer propped against the wall for balance.
"Mr Archer," he called out. "You should understand I currently hold the Starfleet record for the most occasions exposed to vacuum without an oxygen supply. If you're trying to match me, you have a long way to go. Report, please. In your own time. Catch your breath."

Archer retained his position. After a few seconds an ensign gave up her chair for him. He nodded to her thankfully and slumped down. It was a few minutes before the pain in his muscles started to subside ane he started breathing more normaly. He must have damaged his lungs as every beesth led to a sharp pain. He hoped his vocal chords were alright. He chanced speaking and found that between breaths his speach wad alright. "I don't plan too sir", this was worse than Fargo. Fargo made him sweat allot but there were no Xindi and plenty of oxygen... He took a deep breath before speaking. "Tell the...escort to... Come down lightly... To port. I... Repaired one... Clamp but... The other will need a slow approach... I'll control... Our clamps... From here. I can give the escort... Directions." He was managing to breath more easily now. He made it. He was alive.

"Make that happen. Get Mr Archer some oxygen," Will instructed, and the ensign at Security peeled a mask away from under his station. He applied it to Archer's face and the engineer's breathing seemed to improve immediately.
Will took a more leisurely path to where the stricken man sat.
"Good work, Ensign," he said. "Now, when you're fit again, you can control the reintegration from the aft station. Then you can report to sick bay and get checked over."

The oxygen mask was well received. His breathing cleared up and the last of the lactic acid drained away. He continued taking the oxygen. There was still the pain in his lungs but he was pretty sure this was as good as he was going to get... He stood and moved to the aft console. He was feeling much better now. He set the clamps to pre docking sequence. Clamp 4 was still coming up as red but if it held together the force of the dock should force it into position. If it broke then the dock should be fine. Clamp 14 seemed fine. His repair seemed to be working so far. If that broke as well, there were 12 to compensate. He was ready. He waited for the Commanders orders. Where was the Admiral? He must have done something or someone had as all the clamps were online. "Ready sir."

Will nodded his acknowledgment.
=/\= All hands prepare for reintegration. All hands prepare for reintegration. All standby stations coordinate with Ensign Archer on the Command section bridge. =/\=
After giving his orders shipwide he turned back to the engineering station.
"Mr Archer, this is your show. Call it."

Callum materialised on the transporter pad located in the aft section of the Bridge.  He stepped of the pad as he tightened his Admirals belt.

"Mr. Archer, please don't blow a hole in my ship again, but good work out there.  My COMMS failed, but I got the carrier section docking ports on the ventral side working, just." Callum lied, an Operations officer had done most of the work out there.

Callum smiled, it seemed only fitting to repeat what he had done many years ago on the Majesty "Ensign Archer, like the Commander just said, the show is yours" he started
=/\=Escort, Carrier, & Command Sections will transfer helm control to the engineering station on the command bridge=/\= he continued, but this time transmitting to the relevant sections.
"Mr. Archer, I want you to reintegrate all three sections, manually."

Archer nodded. He quickly worked the console in front of him. He could see the ship approaching , or rather the other half of this ship approaching. He signalled the officer doing his job on the other ship. He adjusted the starboard controls and engaged the clamps. All of them registered good. a message came on the console, *locks secure.* Now for the hard bit... He ran his fingers along the console *magnetic locks secured.* Ok, now the port side... =/\= "Ok, slowly bring your port side down." =/\= He engaged the clamps. 5 metres, 4, 3. The damaged clamp should now engage. The last 2.5 metres were covered in miliseconds. The other ship engaged their clamps too soon! It had happened much too quickly. Alarms started screaming everywhere. *"warning magnetic interlock failure! routing power. Warning EPS systems overload, Deck 4,5,6,7, 8, 9. Overload imminent, 30 seconds."* Alarms were screaming everywhere, the lighting flickered off; replaced by the blood red emergency lighting. Archer turned to the engineering console...

=/\=Abort reintegration, I repeat, Abort reintegration=/\= Callum announced to the sections.

"Mr. Archer, would cutting all power stop the overload?" Callum asked as he asked the power grid controls standing by to perform a full shutdown of the Command Section.

*Twenty Seconds Until Overload* The computer announced.

"We are reintegrated! Do it. It might relieve the pressure on decks 4 through 6 but there's too much redundant power still in the systems." He thought, there was only one option, he didn't like it and he was sure the Admiral wouldn't... *"15 seconds until overload!"* "we have to dump the redundant power in the systems somewhere, the only place I can think of that's currently evenly marginally safe to dump it is the main computer core. It will fry it but we have redundant systems... Admiral?" *"10 seconds until overload!"* "in the time we have, it's all I can think of. Permission to proceed?" *"8, 7..."*

The emergency lighting on the Bridge went out as did 90% of the consoles, the gentle hum of the life support systems that were feeding air around the command section faded out, other than the redundant power still running through the systems, the Enterprises command sections was offline.

The remaining consoles were pressure sensitive, lower power consoles.  These were a new design only implemented on the Enterprise to date.  These consoles were linked to several critical systems around the Command Section, these systems and consoles were powered by their own, limited, power supply and using these consoles the section commander could do one of very few tasks, transfer power, send a distress call, or in an emergency situation, destroy the section by activating a 10 second fuse on a devastating emergency auto destruct sequence.  This sequence wasn't like the traditional one, yes it would destroy the section in an extreme situation where no other option was viable, but it required only one command from the section commander, one palm print and there would be no going back.  Each section of the Enterprise was fitted with it's own emergency system.  There was only one draw back with the system, once the primary, backup, & reserve power options failed, the system could only remain online for fifteen minutes and if the destruct sequence was needed, the decision to activate it would need to be made in the first eight seconds of activating the system or there wouldn't be enough power to fuel the explosives.

"Do It!" Callum barked as he isolated the Command section computer core to prevent damage to the other sections.

The Admrial was too late. Archer had already done it. Unfortunately with all the conduits already down all the power wasn't going to make it... *" 2,1"* An explosion distant in the bowels of the ship sent sparks flying up on the bridge. The consoles that hadn't gone out yet all now flickered out. Boom! This time the explosion was closer but was quieter than the previous one. Not all of the power made it to the core, but judging from the fact that Enterprise wasn't falling apart around them, no decks had been blown up... Archer had managed to hang onto his console but both explosions had sent large shock waves through the ship, most of the bridge staff had collapsed on the floor. His knuckles going white  Archer let go of the console and calmly walked to a hidden panel under the bridge floor that was just behind his console and in front of the MSD (not that that was still visible.) He pulled the panel up from the floor and pulled a lever inside. Some consoles flickered back on, the computer with a distorted voice announced, *"bridge emergency computer override active."* He helped a fallen Lieutenant up and made his way back to his console. Half the ship's internal sensors were down so getting a damage report was tricky. "87% of the computer core is burnt out. It'll take months to replace all the data nodes... Two conduits on deck 7 exploded, minor structual damage. We are reintegrated the best I can tell. Sickbay reports 26 casulties, 4 serious. I'm using the back up core in engineering and the main core in the escort section to try and get our systems back up. It'll take a while. I can get you a damage report when I'm done although I would recommend a deck by deck, full damage report." Archer turned to his console. He'd done the best he could. Half his console was failing, it could take a while...

"At least we're still in one piece" Callum commented "Mr. Archer, before proceeding please confirm the ship is at a full stop, then secure the engines, I don't want this ship moving a micron until I say otherwise" Callum ordered as he straightened his uniform after picking himself up from the deck.

=/\=Med Team Three to the bridge=/\=
=/\=Go ahead=/\= Callum replied
=/\=We've found the senior engineering officers, including the chief=/\= reported one of the medics
=/\=Good, is the chief in any condition to come up to the Bridge??=/\= Callum asked
=/\=Negative Sir, all eight senior engineers were in a meeting at the time, none of them made it Sir.  We've reported in to Sickbay, everyone else is accounted for.  We have many injured, but only eight fatalities.=/\= reported the medic
=/\=Understood=/\= Callum closed the COMM Link.

"Ensign Archer, it is with regret I must inform you that as of now you are no longer acting chief.  I am granting a permanent promotion to Chief Engineer, it will be up to you who you assign as your deputies". Callum said

"Will, send a message to the Saucer section, inform them of our situation and have them return to us as soon as possible, we need all the help we can get" Callum said as he worked on a console "Archer, would it be possible to activate the emergency crew subroutine, using the holographic crew we could assess the ship deck by deck much faster??" Callum asked.

"Aye, sir," Will said, and turned to the comm panel on the captain's chair.
=/\= Enterprise to saucer section. =/\=
=/\= Saucer section, Copeland here. =/\=
=/\= Mr Copeland, be advised we're delaying our rendezvous until we assess the damage we've recently sustained. Please make best time to Earth, we'll catch up en route. =/\=
=/\= Understood. Is everything ok, Will? =/\=
=/\= I'm afraid not. I'll send a message packet to you as soon as I can. You need to know we've taken some casualties. Enterprise out. =/\=

What just happened? He was less than 24 hours into his first proper mission aboard the flagship and he was suddenly a senior officer... "I only wish it was under better circumstances."
Archer checked the holographic controls. "They're active on deck 1, 4, 11 and 12. However I can't confirm how intact their programming is and if I activate them I will have no control over their matrices." He paused for a second. "Permission to promote chief second class Doyle to Chief first class?" He quickly racked his brain, who else was there? "Why am I CE sir? Not that I'm ungrateful. Us there are other ensigns in engineering?"

"Might be better if we conduct the assessments ourselves then" Callum started "Permission to promote Doyle granted.  And to answer your question, I don't know those officers, I don't know their capabilities, you on the other hand, I have witnessed first hand how capable you are within Engineering and keeping my ship running.  You will learn that I don't always look at rank, if I feel you are capable I will offer you the job.  There are indeed other Ensigns, Lieutenants, even Commanders within the Engineering department, but none of which I am willing to hand over responsibility of the maintenance of this ship to." Callum paused as officers from the escort section were making their way back to their original stations.

Scott maintained his post a while longer. "Sir, maybe your right. This wasn't my fault. According to these readings, my repairs held and are all intact." He carried on tapping away at the console. "I'll get you that damage report then I'll get to engineering."

Will returned to the aft of the bridge to join Callum and Scott.
"Admiral, I've informed Commander Copeland that we're not meeting as planned. They're heading for Earth, we'll pick them up on the way once we're fit to run. Mr Archer, a Starfleet Chief Engineer is endowed with many qualities. Self-doubt isn't one of them. Your actions have probably just saved the ship. I think you've just lost the right to question your suitability for the position."

TAG: Callum, Scott
Archer nodded. "Thank you sir. I'm converting the ships major controls to binary over multitronics because what's left of the computer should be able to process it more easily. I have transfered 23% of primary systems to binary and I've set Lieutenant Stevens to carry on with the rest, I have a basic damage report if you want sir?

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{EE} Scott Archer

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Re: Ensign Archer/ Commander Angel/ Admiral Jackson EVA walk JP
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2014, 10:59:23 pm »

OOC: I think after the damage report is given and your two response to that, we should post part 3 and return to the launch mission? Do you agree?

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Re: Ensign Archer/ Commander Angel/ Admiral Jackson EVA walk JP
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2014, 12:31:53 am »

OOC: I do.  Also, Will, I asked you to send a message to the Saucer asking them to come back to us not carry on to Earth.

Callum Jackson
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{EE} William Angel

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Re: Ensign Archer/ Commander Angel EVA walk JP
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2014, 10:21:35 am »

USS Enterprise
1654 Hours

"Sir, all personnel are back on board," the security officer reported.
"Thank you, Ensign," Will said. Reverse the polarity of the magnetic field on the outer hull."
"Reversing polarity, aye, sir."
Will watched with some measure of satisfaction as the entire contingent of Xindi was repulsed from the ship's surface. He felt their fear and anger, but closed his mind to it.
"Good work. Where's Archer?"
"Um... he's on his way to the bridge, sir."
Will turned to look at the turbolift just at the moment it opened to reveal the exhausted-looking officer propped against the wall for balance.
"Mr Archer," he called out. "You should understand I currently hold the Starfleet record for the most occasions exposed to vacuum without an oxygen supply. If you're trying to match me, you have a long way to go. Report, please. In your own time. Catch your breath."

Archer retained his position. After a few seconds an ensign gave up her chair for him. He nodded to her thankfully and slumped down. It was a few minutes before the pain in his muscles started to subside ane he started breathing more normaly. He must have damaged his lungs as every beesth led to a sharp pain. He hoped his vocal chords were alright. He chanced speaking and found that between breaths his speach wad alright. "I don't plan too sir", this was worse than Fargo. Fargo made him sweat allot but there were no Xindi and plenty of oxygen... He took a deep breath before speaking. "Tell the...escort to... Come down lightly... To port. I... Repaired one... Clamp but... The other will need a slow approach... I'll control... Our clamps... From here. I can give the escort... Directions." He was managing to breath more easily now. He made it. He was alive.

"Make that happen. Get Mr Archer some oxygen," Will instructed, and the ensign at Security peeled a mask away from under his station. He applied it to Archer's face and the engineer's breathing seemed to improve immediately.
Will took a more leisurely path to where the stricken man sat.
"Good work, Ensign," he said. "Now, when you're fit again, you can control the reintegration from the aft station. Then you can report to sick bay and get checked over."

The oxygen mask was well received. His breathing cleared up and the last of the lactic acid drained away. He continued taking the oxygen. There was still the pain in his lungs but he was pretty sure this was as good as he was going to get... He stood and moved to the aft console. He was feeling much better now. He set the clamps to pre docking sequence. Clamp 4 was still coming up as red but if it held together the force of the dock should force it into position. If it broke then the dock should be fine. Clamp 14 seemed fine. His repair seemed to be working so far. If that broke as well, there were 12 to compensate. He was ready. He waited for the Commanders orders. Where was the Admiral? He must have done something or someone had as all the clamps were online. "Ready sir."

Will nodded his acknowledgment.
=/\= All hands prepare for reintegration. All hands prepare for reintegration. All standby stations coordinate with Ensign Archer on the Command section bridge. =/\=
After giving his orders shipwide he turned back to the engineering station.
"Mr Archer, this is your show. Call it."

Callum materialised on the transporter pad located in the aft section of the Bridge.  He stepped of the pad as he tightened his Admirals belt.

"Mr. Archer, please don't blow a hole in my ship again, but good work out there.  My COMMS failed, but I got the carrier section docking ports on the ventral side working, just." Callum lied, an Operations officer had done most of the work out there.

Callum smiled, it seemed only fitting to repeat what he had done many years ago on the Majesty "Ensign Archer, like the Commander just said, the show is yours" he started
=/\=Escort, Carrier, & Command Sections will transfer helm control to the engineering station on the command bridge=/\= he continued, but this time transmitting to the relevant sections.
"Mr. Archer, I want you to reintegrate all three sections, manually."

Archer nodded. He quickly worked the console in front of him. He could see the ship approaching , or rather the other half of this ship approaching. He signalled the officer doing his job on the other ship. He adjusted the starboard controls and engaged the clamps. All of them registered good. a message came on the console, *locks secure.* Now for the hard bit... He ran his fingers along the console *magnetic locks secured.* Ok, now the port side... =/\= "Ok, slowly bring your port side down." =/\= He engaged the clamps. 5 metres, 4, 3. The damaged clamp should now engage. The last 2.5 metres were covered in miliseconds. The other ship engaged their clamps too soon! It had happened much too quickly. Alarms started screaming everywhere. *"warning magnetic interlock failure! routing power. Warning EPS systems overload, Deck 4,5,6,7, 8, 9. Overload imminent, 30 seconds."* Alarms were screaming everywhere, the lighting flickered off; replaced by the blood red emergency lighting. Archer turned to the engineering console...

=/\=Abort reintegration, I repeat, Abort reintegration=/\= Callum announced to the sections.

"Mr. Archer, would cutting all power stop the overload?" Callum asked as he asked the power grid controls standing by to perform a full shutdown of the Command Section.

*Twenty Seconds Until Overload* The computer announced.

"We are reintegrated! Do it. It might relieve the pressure on decks 4 through 6 but there's too much redundant power still in the systems." He thought, there was only one option, he didn't like it and he was sure the Admiral wouldn't... *"15 seconds until overload!"* "we have to dump the redundant power in the systems somewhere, the only place I can think of that's currently evenly marginally safe to dump it is the main computer core. It will fry it but we have redundant systems... Admiral?" *"10 seconds until overload!"* "in the time we have, it's all I can think of. Permission to proceed?" *"8, 7..."*

The emergency lighting on the Bridge went out as did 90% of the consoles, the gentle hum of the life support systems that were feeding air around the command section faded out, other than the redundant power still running through the systems, the Enterprises command sections was offline.

The remaining consoles were pressure sensitive, lower power consoles.  These were a new design only implemented on the Enterprise to date.  These consoles were linked to several critical systems around the Command Section, these systems and consoles were powered by their own, limited, power supply and using these consoles the section commander could do one of very few tasks, transfer power, send a distress call, or in an emergency situation, destroy the section by activating a 10 second fuse on a devastating emergency auto destruct sequence.  This sequence wasn't like the traditional one, yes it would destroy the section in an extreme situation where no other option was viable, but it required only one command from the section commander, one palm print and there would be no going back.  Each section of the Enterprise was fitted with it's own emergency system.  There was only one draw back with the system, once the primary, backup, & reserve power options failed, the system could only remain online for fifteen minutes and if the destruct sequence was needed, the decision to activate it would need to be made in the first eight seconds of activating the system or there wouldn't be enough power to fuel the explosives.

"Do It!" Callum barked as he isolated the Command section computer core to prevent damage to the other sections.

The Admrial was too late. Archer had already done it. Unfortunately with all the conduits already down all the power wasn't going to make it... *" 2,1"* An explosion distant in the bowels of the ship sent sparks flying up on the bridge. The consoles that hadn't gone out yet all now flickered out. Boom! This time the explosion was closer but was quieter than the previous one. Not all of the power made it to the core, but judging from the fact that Enterprise wasn't falling apart around them, no decks had been blown up... Archer had managed to hang onto his console but both explosions had sent large shock waves through the ship, most of the bridge staff had collapsed on the floor. His knuckles going white  Archer let go of the console and calmly walked to a hidden panel under the bridge floor that was just behind his console and in front of the MSD (not that that was still visible.) He pulled the panel up from the floor and pulled a lever inside. Some consoles flickered back on, the computer with a distorted voice announced, *"bridge emergency computer override active."* He helped a fallen Lieutenant up and made his way back to his console. Half the ship's internal sensors were down so getting a damage report was tricky. "87% of the computer core is burnt out. It'll take months to replace all the data nodes... Two conduits on deck 7 exploded, minor structual damage. We are reintegrated the best I can tell. Sickbay reports 26 casulties, 4 serious. I'm using the back up core in engineering and the main core in the escort section to try and get our systems back up. It'll take a while. I can get you a damage report when I'm done although I would recommend a deck by deck, full damage report." Archer turned to his console. He'd done the best he could. Half his console was failing, it could take a while...

"At least we're still in one piece" Callum commented "Mr. Archer, before proceeding please confirm the ship is at a full stop, then secure the engines, I don't want this ship moving a micron until I say otherwise" Callum ordered as he straightened his uniform after picking himself up from the deck.

=/\=Med Team Three to the bridge=/\=
=/\=Go ahead=/\= Callum replied
=/\=We've found the senior engineering officers, including the chief=/\= reported one of the medics
=/\=Good, is the chief in any condition to come up to the Bridge??=/\= Callum asked
=/\=Negative Sir, all eight senior engineers were in a meeting at the time, none of them made it Sir.  We've reported in to Sickbay, everyone else is accounted for.  We have many injured, but only eight fatalities.=/\= reported the medic
=/\=Understood=/\= Callum closed the COMM Link.

"Ensign Archer, it is with regret I must inform you that as of now you are no longer acting chief.  I am granting a permanent promotion to Chief Engineer, it will be up to you who you assign as your deputies". Callum said

"Will, send a message to the Saucer section, inform them of our situation and have them return to us as soon as possible, we need all the help we can get" Callum said as he worked on a console "Archer, would it be possible to activate the emergency crew subroutine, using the holographic crew we could assess the ship deck by deck much faster??" Callum asked.

"Aye, sir," Will said, and turned to the comm panel on the captain's chair.
=/\= Enterprise to saucer section. =/\=
=/\= Saucer section, Copeland here. =/\=
=/\= Mr Copeland, be advised we're unable to make the rendezvous due to the damage we've recently sustained. Please make best time to our current coordinates. =/\=
=/\= Understood. Is everything ok, Will? =/\=
=/\= I'm afraid not. I'll brief you when you get back. You need to know we've taken some casualties. Enterprise out. =/\=

What just happened? He was less than 24 hours into his first proper mission aboard the flagship and he was suddenly a senior officer... "I only wish it was under better circumstances."
Archer checked the holographic controls. "They're active on deck 1, 4, 11 and 12. However I can't confirm how intact their programming is and if I activate them I will have no control over their matrices." He paused for a second. "Permission to promote chief second class Doyle to Chief first class?" He quickly racked his brain, who else was there? "Why am I CE sir? Not that I'm ungrateful. Us there are other ensigns in engineering?"

"Might be better if we conduct the assessments ourselves then" Callum started "Permission to promote Doyle granted.  And to answer your question, I don't know those officers, I don't know their capabilities, you on the other hand, I have witnessed first hand how capable you are within Engineering and keeping my ship running.  You will learn that I don't always look at rank, if I feel you are capable I will offer you the job.  There are indeed other Ensigns, Lieutenants, even Commanders within the Engineering department, but none of which I am willing to hand over responsibility of the maintenance of this ship to." Callum paused as officers from the escort section were making their way back to their original stations.

Scott maintained his post a while longer. "Sir, maybe your right. This wasn't my fault. According to these readings, my repairs held and are all intact." He carried on tapping away at the console. "I'll get you that damage report then I'll get to engineering."

Will returned to the aft of the bridge to join Callum and Scott.
"Admiral, I've informed Commander Copeland that we're not meeting as planned. They're heading back here. Mr Archer, a Starfleet Chief Engineer is endowed with many qualities. Self-doubt isn't one of them. Your actions have probably just saved the ship. I think you've just lost the right to question your suitability for the position."

Archer nodded. "Thank you sir. I'm converting the ships major controls to binary over multitronics because what's left of the computer should be able to process it more easily. I have transfered 23% of primary systems to binary and I've set Lieutenant Stevens to carry on with the rest, I have a basic damage report if you want sir?"

"Yes, please, Ensign," Will answered. "But more importantly, how soon do you estimate until we're ready to head back to Earth?"

TAG: Callum, Scott

OOC: I've corrected the error, my bad... it was a late night!

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{EE} Scott Archer

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Re: Ensign Archer/ Commander Angel EVA walk JP
« Reply #34 on: April 23, 2014, 03:57:32 pm »

USS Enterprise
1654 Hours

"Sir, all personnel are back on board," the security officer reported.
"Thank you, Ensign," Will said. Reverse the polarity of the magnetic field on the outer hull."
"Reversing polarity, aye, sir."
Will watched with some measure of satisfaction as the entire contingent of Xindi was repulsed from the ship's surface. He felt their fear and anger, but closed his mind to it.
"Good work. Where's Archer?"
"Um... he's on his way to the bridge, sir."
Will turned to look at the turbolift just at the moment it opened to reveal the exhausted-looking officer propped against the wall for balance.
"Mr Archer," he called out. "You should understand I currently hold the Starfleet record for the most occasions exposed to vacuum without an oxygen supply. If you're trying to match me, you have a long way to go. Report, please. In your own time. Catch your breath."

Archer retained his position. After a few seconds an ensign gave up her chair for him. He nodded to her thankfully and slumped down. It was a few minutes before the pain in his muscles started to subside ane he started breathing more normaly. He must have damaged his lungs as every beesth led to a sharp pain. He hoped his vocal chords were alright. He chanced speaking and found that between breaths his speach wad alright. "I don't plan too sir", this was worse than Fargo. Fargo made him sweat allot but there were no Xindi and plenty of oxygen... He took a deep breath before speaking. "Tell the...escort to... Come down lightly... To port. I... Repaired one... Clamp but... The other will need a slow approach... I'll control... Our clamps... From here. I can give the escort... Directions." He was managing to breath more easily now. He made it. He was alive.

"Make that happen. Get Mr Archer some oxygen," Will instructed, and the ensign at Security peeled a mask away from under his station. He applied it to Archer's face and the engineer's breathing seemed to improve immediately.
Will took a more leisurely path to where the stricken man sat.
"Good work, Ensign," he said. "Now, when you're fit again, you can control the reintegration from the aft station. Then you can report to sick bay and get checked over."

The oxygen mask was well received. His breathing cleared up and the last of the lactic acid drained away. He continued taking the oxygen. There was still the pain in his lungs but he was pretty sure this was as good as he was going to get... He stood and moved to the aft console. He was feeling much better now. He set the clamps to pre docking sequence. Clamp 4 was still coming up as red but if it held together the force of the dock should force it into position. If it broke then the dock should be fine. Clamp 14 seemed fine. His repair seemed to be working so far. If that broke as well, there were 12 to compensate. He was ready. He waited for the Commanders orders. Where was the Admiral? He must have done something or someone had as all the clamps were online. "Ready sir."

Will nodded his acknowledgment.
=/\= All hands prepare for reintegration. All hands prepare for reintegration. All standby stations coordinate with Ensign Archer on the Command section bridge. =/\=
After giving his orders shipwide he turned back to the engineering station.
"Mr Archer, this is your show. Call it."

Callum materialised on the transporter pad located in the aft section of the Bridge.  He stepped of the pad as he tightened his Admirals belt.

"Mr. Archer, please don't blow a hole in my ship again, but good work out there.  My COMMS failed, but I got the carrier section docking ports on the ventral side working, just." Callum lied, an Operations officer had done most of the work out there.

Callum smiled, it seemed only fitting to repeat what he had done many years ago on the Majesty "Ensign Archer, like the Commander just said, the show is yours" he started
=/\=Escort, Carrier, & Command Sections will transfer helm control to the engineering station on the command bridge=/\= he continued, but this time transmitting to the relevant sections.
"Mr. Archer, I want you to reintegrate all three sections, manually."

Archer nodded. He quickly worked the console in front of him. He could see the ship approaching , or rather the other half of this ship approaching. He signalled the officer doing his job on the other ship. He adjusted the starboard controls and engaged the clamps. All of them registered good. a message came on the console, *locks secure.* Now for the hard bit... He ran his fingers along the console *magnetic locks secured.* Ok, now the port side... =/\= "Ok, slowly bring your port side down." =/\= He engaged the clamps. 5 metres, 4, 3. The damaged clamp should now engage. The last 2.5 metres were covered in miliseconds. The other ship engaged their clamps too soon! It had happened much too quickly. Alarms started screaming everywhere. *"warning magnetic interlock failure! routing power. Warning EPS systems overload, Deck 4,5,6,7, 8, 9. Overload imminent, 30 seconds."* Alarms were screaming everywhere, the lighting flickered off; replaced by the blood red emergency lighting. Archer turned to the engineering console...

=/\=Abort reintegration, I repeat, Abort reintegration=/\= Callum announced to the sections.

"Mr. Archer, would cutting all power stop the overload?" Callum asked as he asked the power grid controls standing by to perform a full shutdown of the Command Section.

*Twenty Seconds Until Overload* The computer announced.

"We are reintegrated! Do it. It might relieve the pressure on decks 4 through 6 but there's too much redundant power still in the systems." He thought, there was only one option, he didn't like it and he was sure the Admiral wouldn't... *"15 seconds until overload!"* "we have to dump the redundant power in the systems somewhere, the only place I can think of that's currently evenly marginally safe to dump it is the main computer core. It will fry it but we have redundant systems... Admiral?" *"10 seconds until overload!"* "in the time we have, it's all I can think of. Permission to proceed?" *"8, 7..."*

The emergency lighting on the Bridge went out as did 90% of the consoles, the gentle hum of the life support systems that were feeding air around the command section faded out, other than the redundant power still running through the systems, the Enterprises command sections was offline.

The remaining consoles were pressure sensitive, lower power consoles.  These were a new design only implemented on the Enterprise to date.  These consoles were linked to several critical systems around the Command Section, these systems and consoles were powered by their own, limited, power supply and using these consoles the section commander could do one of very few tasks, transfer power, send a distress call, or in an emergency situation, destroy the section by activating a 10 second fuse on a devastating emergency auto destruct sequence.  This sequence wasn't like the traditional one, yes it would destroy the section in an extreme situation where no other option was viable, but it required only one command from the section commander, one palm print and there would be no going back.  Each section of the Enterprise was fitted with it's own emergency system.  There was only one draw back with the system, once the primary, backup, & reserve power options failed, the system could only remain online for fifteen minutes and if the destruct sequence was needed, the decision to activate it would need to be made in the first eight seconds of activating the system or there wouldn't be enough power to fuel the explosives.

"Do It!" Callum barked as he isolated the Command section computer core to prevent damage to the other sections.

The Admrial was too late. Archer had already done it. Unfortunately with all the conduits already down all the power wasn't going to make it... *" 2,1"* An explosion distant in the bowels of the ship sent sparks flying up on the bridge. The consoles that hadn't gone out yet all now flickered out. Boom! This time the explosion was closer but was quieter than the previous one. Not all of the power made it to the core, but judging from the fact that Enterprise wasn't falling apart around them, no decks had been blown up... Archer had managed to hang onto his console but both explosions had sent large shock waves through the ship, most of the bridge staff had collapsed on the floor. His knuckles going white  Archer let go of the console and calmly walked to a hidden panel under the bridge floor that was just behind his console and in front of the MSD (not that that was still visible.) He pulled the panel up from the floor and pulled a lever inside. Some consoles flickered back on, the computer with a distorted voice announced, *"bridge emergency computer override active."* He helped a fallen Lieutenant up and made his way back to his console. Half the ship's internal sensors were down so getting a damage report was tricky. "87% of the computer core is burnt out. It'll take months to replace all the data nodes... Two conduits on deck 7 exploded, minor structual damage. We are reintegrated the best I can tell. Sickbay reports 26 casulties, 4 serious. I'm using the back up core in engineering and the main core in the escort section to try and get our systems back up. It'll take a while. I can get you a damage report when I'm done although I would recommend a deck by deck, full damage report." Archer turned to his console. He'd done the best he could. Half his console was failing, it could take a while...

"At least we're still in one piece" Callum commented "Mr. Archer, before proceeding please confirm the ship is at a full stop, then secure the engines, I don't want this ship moving a micron until I say otherwise" Callum ordered as he straightened his uniform after picking himself up from the deck.

=/\=Med Team Three to the bridge=/\=
=/\=Go ahead=/\= Callum replied
=/\=We've found the senior engineering officers, including the chief=/\= reported one of the medics
=/\=Good, is the chief in any condition to come up to the Bridge??=/\= Callum asked
=/\=Negative Sir, all eight senior engineers were in a meeting at the time, none of them made it Sir.  We've reported in to Sickbay, everyone else is accounted for.  We have many injured, but only eight fatalities.=/\= reported the medic
=/\=Understood=/\= Callum closed the COMM Link.

"Ensign Archer, it is with regret I must inform you that as of now you are no longer acting chief.  I am granting a permanent promotion to Chief Engineer, it will be up to you who you assign as your deputies". Callum said

"Will, send a message to the Saucer section, inform them of our situation and have them return to us as soon as possible, we need all the help we can get" Callum said as he worked on a console "Archer, would it be possible to activate the emergency crew subroutine, using the holographic crew we could assess the ship deck by deck much faster??" Callum asked.

"Aye, sir," Will said, and turned to the comm panel on the captain's chair.
=/\= Enterprise to saucer section. =/\=
=/\= Saucer section, Copeland here. =/\=
=/\= Mr Copeland, be advised we're unable to make the rendezvous due to the damage we've recently sustained. Please make best time to our current coordinates. =/\=
=/\= Understood. Is everything ok, Will? =/\=
=/\= I'm afraid not. I'll brief you when you get back. You need to know we've taken some casualties. Enterprise out. =/\=

What just happened? He was less than 24 hours into his first proper mission aboard the flagship and he was suddenly a senior officer... "I only wish it was under better circumstances."
Archer checked the holographic controls. "They're active on deck 1, 4, 11 and 12. However I can't confirm how intact their programming is and if I activate them I will have no control over their matrices." He paused for a second. "Permission to promote chief second class Doyle to Chief first class?" He quickly racked his brain, who else was there? "Why am I CE sir? Not that I'm ungrateful. Us there are other ensigns in engineering?"

"Might be better if we conduct the assessments ourselves then" Callum started "Permission to promote Doyle granted.  And to answer your question, I don't know those officers, I don't know their capabilities, you on the other hand, I have witnessed first hand how capable you are within Engineering and keeping my ship running.  You will learn that I don't always look at rank, if I feel you are capable I will offer you the job.  There are indeed other Ensigns, Lieutenants, even Commanders within the Engineering department, but none of which I am willing to hand over responsibility of the maintenance of this ship to." Callum paused as officers from the escort section were making their way back to their original stations.

Scott maintained his post a while longer. "Sir, maybe your right. This wasn't my fault. According to these readings, my repairs held and are all intact." He carried on tapping away at the console. "I'll get you that damage report then I'll get to engineering."

Will returned to the aft of the bridge to join Callum and Scott.
"Admiral, I've informed Commander Copeland that we're not meeting as planned. They're heading back here. Mr Archer, a Starfleet Chief Engineer is endowed with many qualities. Self-doubt isn't one of them. Your actions have probably just saved the ship. I think you've just lost the right to question your suitability for the position."

Archer nodded. "Thank you sir. I'm converting the ships major controls to binary over multitronics because what's left of the computer should be able to process it more easily. I have transfered 23% of primary systems to binary and I've set Lieutenant Stevens to carry on with the rest, I have a basic damage report if you want sir?"

"Yes, please, Ensign," Will answered. "But more importantly, how soon do you estimate until we're ready to head back to Earth?"

TAG: Callum, Scott

OOC: I've corrected the error, my bad... it was a late night!

Archer nodded and started his long list of bad news... "Shields are down. The deflector, minor hull damage on deck 7. We have 4 hull breaches, they have all been contained but we don't have the resources to patch them up out here. 24 EPS conduits are down, 8 of those aren't replaceable until we get to a Starbase. 82% of the command section computer core is offline, the link up modules were also burnt out so we can't use the escort core to stabilise our systems. I've got Ensign Jane McFarlene, my second deputy after Doyle and a computer specialist, in the core with a team. They're pulling out the damages modules and making a pile of utterly destroyed ones and a pile of modules that will take less than 30 minutes to repair. It's going to take a while... 4 days from last estimates. The link ups are quite deep within the core, it will be almost 4 days before the team gets to them.
The Reserve Bioneural Interference Coil is blown out, meaning the gel packs that control secondary systems aren't responding and sending off data randomly. I've had to shut down the whole network, I can't be any more specific than that without a survey.
The Primary Variance Grid and the Passive Phase Inverter are both failing meaning that phasers won't survive more a shot or two from each array and doing so could cause more EPS damage.
The Quantum Polarisation Matrix and three plasma injectors are offline. We can't go any faster than warp 4 with those systems down and if the matter- antimatter reaction stops then we won't be able to restart it.
That's just what I've got from internal sensors and diagnostics on 8 decks. What we really need right now is a full survey of the outer hull and primary systems and major back ups. Everyone who can needs to be doing some sort of maintenance work or surveying work. I wish the news was better but unfortunately it's not. The Escort section is damaged, they'll be sending you a damage report momentarily. I recommend getting a complete structual report per deck before I can give you an estimate. Roughly a day, maybe two before I recommend going to warp considering there is no major damage, it could be much longer if there is... With your permission, I'll go to Engineering?"

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