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Author Topic: Channel Things  (Read 43310 times)

{EE} Shoot

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Channel Things
« on: January 02, 2022, 04:01:31 pm »

I'm joining Callum on his 'Stream A Day' Challenge, but I can already tell that I can't make his 1461 days  ;D I'm also putting same rules on me as Callum has for himself, and I'll be taking my challenge month at a time, but it'll be fun to try something like this, maybe days when I'm alone, I could continue my own journey in F1 2021 My Team Career, and stuff like that, maybe some GTA V or Call Of Duty WWII, or whatever.

We were also thinking about doing weekly movie nights on Twitch with their watch parties and watch a film or a series on Amazon Prime Video, but nothing is set in stone yet. My challenge is very much a work-in-progress still.

I look forward to seeing you all in either mine or Callum's streams the coming weeks/months! Or infact, in any of our team's streams! Tell them I sent ya'!  ;)

« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 08:47:29 am by {EE} Shoot »
Star Trek Online Character

Fleet Admiral Jeremy Okane,
Echo Fleet, U.S.S. Odyssey, NCC-92000-D Odyssey Class Tactical Star Cruiser
Klingon War, Vaadwaur War, and Iconian War veteran.

Rear Admiral, Upper Half Shoot
Earth's Elite Stream Team Partner
Community Liaison Officer
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Earth's Elite

E-Mail: Email me.
I've been working on the railroad all the live long day!

{EE} Shoot

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  • STO Character: Jeremy Okane@hakkapeliitta00
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Re: Channel Things
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2022, 04:28:50 am »

Slightly late for my announcement, but on Tuesday the 19th, I passed 200 Days on streaming every day! So far, we have done gaming, and a lot of Watch Parties, where we have finished watching The Expanse series, seasons 1&2 on Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, season 1 on Reacher, Season 2 on Star Trek Picard, S.W.A.T seasons 1-3 (still waiting on Prime to add seasons 4&5 :P), and almost all of Battlestar Galactica (before it was removed from Prime, grr). And currently on Watch Party side of my streams, we've been watching Chicago PD as of late.

Anyways! Going forward for the rest of the year, you can expect for me to most definitely finish Chicago PD, then going through the other Chicago series, like Fire and Med, and gaming, like ETS2, GTA Online with its impending update sometime late July, Star Trek Online, Spyro, Flight Sim, Skyrim potentially, CS:GO, and depending what I'm planning for the rest of the year, maybe a few IRL streams, etc etc!

Anyways! Here is to the rest of the year and onwards!

Star Trek Online Character

Fleet Admiral Jeremy Okane,
Echo Fleet, U.S.S. Odyssey, NCC-92000-D Odyssey Class Tactical Star Cruiser
Klingon War, Vaadwaur War, and Iconian War veteran.

Rear Admiral, Upper Half Shoot
Earth's Elite Stream Team Partner
Community Liaison Officer
Senior Staff
Earth's Elite

E-Mail: Email me.
I've been working on the railroad all the live long day!

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