I've been a bit inactive on my channel lately, but as we head towards the end of the year I'm hoping to get a few streams going.
There will be a few streams for some EE events coming up, of course there will be the November #EE24H event on November 19th and of course there will be the end of year drunk stream on December 30th (It's actually going to be on the correct date this year!!!).
Along with the above two, this month we will see the return of the annual Halloween fright night on Friday 29th, before that however Myself and Scott from Archer Gaming are planning to bring you a few streams on Sunday's 17th & 24th, times to be confirmed and a special stream on Sunday 31st

Along with the collabs and events I'm hoping to start bringing some more regular streams into the mix as well and looking at hopefully returning to some sort of regular streaming schedule by the start of next year.
Any stream ideas or events ideas for the team, as always, let us know!