Gaming > April 2019

#EE24H April 2019 Quotes

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{EE} Scott Archer:
*Callum overdramatically sings ‘The Flood’*
Brought to you by William Shatner - Callum603

{EE} Callum Jackson:
"Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen" - Shoot
"is" - Callum

{EE} Callum Jackson:
*Callum realises his desk has moved again*
"Have you just been pulling it while we played Halo?" Scott

{EE} Shoot:
'That's the spot where I spun' ~ Shoot
'This is the spot I hit your wreck' ~ Callum

'No, this is where you hit my wreck' ~ Shoot, as Callum crashes at the same spot as me

'There's a yellow flag, oh' ~ Shoot smacking into the back of Callum's car.


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