Gaming > November 2018


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{EE} Scott Archer:
@Jack Telford, When you wait forever for the cable guy You get bored and start staring out of the window When you start stairing out of the window You see things you shouldn't see When you see things you shouldn't see You need to vanish When you need to vanish you fake your own death When you fake your own death you dye your eyebrows When you dye your eye brows, you attend your own funeral as a guy named Phil Shifley Don't attend your own funeral as a guy named Phil Shifley Upgrade to DirectTV today - call 1-800-directv

{EE} Scott Archer:
Standing on the edge of the nether song - Callum 603

Keeping tabs on these Scott? - Callum603
Lol nope - Scott

{EE} Scott Archer:
'I keep typing steps rather than stairs...' -Scott
'You might have to take steps to fix that' - Callum603

{EE} Callum Jackson:
"I'll blow if I want to, I'll blow you out of this world" - Callum
"Go on then" - Shoot
"What you want me to blow you?" - Callum
"No!" - Shoot

{EE} Callum Jackson:
"Get out of the track or I'll munch you" - Shoot


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