Official Community Partners > The 14th Fleet

Back in Action


Steve Malloway:
Well, its taken a long time coming but the SSRF is back in action, amigos!

We'll be taking a different stance than before too! Our Fleet Mission is underway and has advanced our timeline by nearly 3 years, where we are currently 3 years into a WAR with the Cardassian and Romulan Star Empire Alliance! With this advancement and storyline we will be adopting our own timeline, much like the Kelvin Timeline from the new Star Trek movies - we'll be operating in the Thrinacia Timeline, which started at the conception of the SSRF In-Character.

If you fancy trying your handd a bit of creative writing then by all means hop on over to join our ranks! Just drop me a message and I can help to get you started...

Watch this space for more info as our future plans unravel! All I'll say is, Klingons...?!


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