Gaming > Community Events

The Big Community Challenge 2017, Challenge Two

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{EE} Canio22:
Just like to point out that I attended the other two of these events, no problem, i attend all of the events i sign up for, this was the first time I have missed an event, both were from things such as, being with family in the middle of a meal that had overrun, or for once actually having a life outside of the PC and having a friend over for booze and jokes. Both of these were explained to Callum, the 2nd time I let him know before the event.

Not to boast or anything, but I am probably one of the most active EE member, especially when it comes to TS3 the only times im not online is Sleep or Work (need to pay those bills somehow)
Now I mean this in the nicest way possible, EE doesn't earn me money. All I do is voluntary, so when I get an email about your disappointment to me being unable to attend an event for once why don't we remember all the times I have been there, for all those events I haven't signed up for or all the help I give with getting games setup or designing the website, or even just the technical knowledge I have supplied to help some of you keep your computers going or making a well inclined, well backed decision.

So next time we feel disappointed or upset with anyone because of a mistake or something else out of their control happens or simple put life happens, and we all know what life is like for throwing random, unplanned junk at us is like. Let's look at what they have also done in a positive way.

On another note, the original idea of this thread,
Well done Shoot, congratulation on the victory!

However let's not also forget all the times he's been waiting on you for an event and you have let Callum or me down.

Thanks for reading, personally my biggest post on here.

{EE} Callum Jackson:
Canio, I do apologise about Saturday then, I don't recall you letting me know.

My point in the announcement was just because we stream the events, and 3 of the 4 contestants didn't attend, granted I now know Canio did let me know, but 2 others didn't.

I apologise if the announcement seemed harsh, but wasn't directing at one person in particular, just expressing my feelings on the BCC and the actions of this years contestants who didn't inform me of absences from the challenge before I started streaming.


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