Gaming > Community Events

The Big Community Challenge, Challenge Two

<< < (2/2)

{EE} Canio22:

{EE} Callum Jackson:
Unless this topic is suddenly filled with Nay's between now and midnight, the Community Challenge will return for the final 3 challenges.

Your hint for this weeks challenge is...'The Scott Archer Show'.

The challenge will likely be presented slightly differently than I had planned, due to server issues, but we can still definitely do it.

I will update the calendar now to show the final 3 challenges.

{EE} Scott Archer:
I'm afraid I might have to charge you commission on that clue ;)

{EE} Callum Jackson:
In that case, your clue is now.

The name of a live Venture Radio show that used to happen but is currently on hiatus at 7PM on Thursday's.


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