Gaming > FSX Lobby

Long Haul Event

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{EE} Callum Jackson:
This isn't, as yet, an actual event, therefore I'm posting it up here.

I was thinking about the idea of maybe doing an event where we have, at minimum, 4 members involved.  This will be a long event.

The idea of the event would be this, two members would play the Captain & First Officer of a large jet, and the others would play air traffic controllers (or pilots following the journey).  We'll use in game comms and radio frequencies to talk to the ATC, we'll try to keep it as real as possible.
The journey that we'd do, would be around 4ish hours, maybe longer depending on what feedback I get from this.

The two pilots in the main aircraft wouldn't change, they'd stay as the pilots throughout the entire flight, but the ATC will jump between those playing ATC as we switch between centres, towers, etc.  Those not ATCing, would be able to fly along side the main aircraft or go do their own thing in game, etc, but you'd stay in the ATC lobby of TS, ready to jump to your next tower, etc for the hand off's.

This would also be streamed/recorded, so those without the game could jump on and watch our progress (I wouldn't advise joining as a passenger...might get a little boring).

Anyways, what do we think?  Viable event idea, not worth it...?

{EE} Shoot:
As division director, I give my support to this.

Des Locker:
Hmmmm... Four hours might be a little long though... I would recommend max 2 hours. There is a nice route in South Africa... Johannesburg to Cape Town. Or vise-versa. In a 737 or 747 it would take approx. 2 hours. What aircraft would you like to use? I'm starting a new job on Monday so time wise not sure how available I will be. But that said, having a new job might make it possible for me to get my own place with internet connection so I can start joining these awesome events.

{EE} Shoot:
Des, we're flying with 737- 747, not sure.

{EE} Callum Jackson:
Depends who the pilots will be and what aircraft they want to fly.  If I'm flying then it will probably be a 737.

You might be right on the time, we should try a 2 hour or so flight first, see how it goes.


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