Senior Staff > Earth's Elite Chief Executive Officer's Office

Earth's Elite Online Radio


{EE} Callum Jackson:
Earth's Elite Online Radio has unofficially been released.  I'm currently downloading all my music to this computer so I can host properly.

Currently we can only host a 32 listener show, but if we start reaching that I will up it.

Normally during my shows I will accept live calls, this means you can jump on our TS server and talk to me live on air.  I will be setting up four phone lines in TS later on where you can connect to if you want to talk on the show.

I don't know when our first unofficial show will be, but I will send a mass email a few hours before, if not a few hours before, when I go live.

We're currently in the process of setting up a past broadcasts area, it will be the job of the host to record their own shows and then upload them to the archive, anyone who wishes to host a show at any point to PM me so I can provide them with the necessary information on how to get started.  I must also figure out what the password for the server is so others can host, I logged in a while back and have never logged out so I have forgotten the password.

{EE} Khta:
Sounds like an exciting new development. I am curious to hear what the content will be!

Commander Khta


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