Gaming > Autumn 2020
#EE24H Autumn 2020 Quotes
{EE} Callum Jackson:
Did someone say something funny? Did someone say something embarrassing that needs recording?
Note the quotes below (if you are an admin then please indicate if the quote has been entered into the 24H event system).
{EE} Callum Jackson:
Callum "OoOoOoO - You need to cliiiiiick and draaaag"
Shoot "How do I click!"
*Not entered into system yet
{EE} Shoot:
"Nice EE24H Autumn 2019 Quotes" - Shoot
"Oooooh fuck" - Callum
"Where are the balls" - Callum & Scott
"Shoot where are my balls" - Callum
*Not entered into system yet
{EE} Callum Jackson:
Shoot talking about his computer hardware - "I touch it and then I spit on it"
Shoot - "Fuck! I want my balls!"
*Not yet entered into system
{EE} Callum Jackson:
Scott holding the smudge stick in Phasmophobia "What's this, I've got a condom"
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